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After Installing The Fan-Tastic Fan Upgrade Kit The Remote Wont Program  


We bought the fan-tastic vent fan upgrade kit for our travel trailer, but the remote wont program. We can either run the fan at high or low. It wont go to any of the other settings. We tried resetting the remote the way it was suggested in troubleshooting. Any other suggestions?


Expert Reply:

I spoke with Dometic and they reccommend that you triple check that you have followed the instrucitons exactly they way they are as there is a jumper cable that is meant to be installed if you have the pancake style motor, and if left out you will experience exactly what you're experiencing.

I have attached an image that shows this for you to check out.

Additionally, you're going to want to verify that you have a 7350 series fan, as the upgrade kits # FV807359 & # FV807357 are designed to work exclusively with the Fan-Tastic 7350 series fans.

Finally, I recommend verifying that all your connections are made properly, and that you are receiving the correct voltage. You can use a multimeter like # PT29ZR to ensure that you're receiving 12v and test the wire leads.

If you're still having issues feel free to come on back and we can continue troubleshooting.

expert reply by:
Bryce D
Jumper Cable Verify For 7350 Kit
Jumper Cable Verify For 7350 Kit
(click to enlarge)

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