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Programmer for 2002 GMC Sierra Diesel to Maximize Mpg and Torque While Towing  


I have a stock 2002 Duramax 6.6 Turbo Diesel with 60k miles. I tow my 11k 5th Wheel camper 6-10 hr. drives usually on vacation. I`m looking for the best device, largest screen and capibility that is easy to use and install. I`d like it to look as if it came with the truck. I`m not interested in performace mode, only for fuel ecomony and towing. I`ve been relucant to get one thus far for fear that any device will mess up my truck. I have would like to have more torque for going up hills. How much will this device increase my touque from 525 stock. I currently get about 11 miles per gallon when towing. Will it help my milage when towing?


Expert Reply:

The Edge Evolution CS2 you mentioned would be an excellent choice in programmers, if your Sierra does NOT have either the LB7 or LLY engine with manual transmission.

The Evolution CS2 has several pre-loaded tunes, including tunes geared toward maximizing fuel economy or improving towing performance. The Evolution CS2 can increase your torque up to 210 ft/lbs. The Evolution CS also features the Edge Mileage Coach, which displays information about various parameters that will provide an indication of how your driving habits affect your fuel economy.

A custom dash pod, part #EP28500 is also available, if you do not care for the suction cup mount that attaches to the inside of the windshield.

When using a tuner, you will realize increased torque output while in the towing mode, and will realize a few mpg improvement in fuel economy.

If your vehicle is registered in California, you'd want the CARB compliant model, # EP85301.

The Evolution is simple to install, to see the installation instructions/owners manual click on the provided link.

expert reply by:
Mike L

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