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Recommended Trailer Hitch and Wiring Harness for 2011 Ford E350 Van Towing Small Canoe Trailer  


I need a hitch for my 2011 Ford E350 passenger van. I won't ever be carrying anything other than 4 or 6 aluminum canoes on a very basic rack trailer, so it doesn't need to be super duper beefy. Which hitch do I need?


Expert Reply:

We have several choices that would be a fit for you, I'd recommend the Curt Class III receiver hitch, part # 13055. The hitch has a respectable 600 lb tongue weight/ 6000 lb towing capacity, so it'd be the perfect choice. The hitch is pretty simple to install, with no drilling required.

For a trailer wiring harness, use part # 118551.
For a ball mount, # AMSC2 would work very well. The coupler on your trailer will list the necessary trailer ball. For a 1-7/8 inch diameter ball, use part # 19260 or # 63845 for a 2 inch ball.

If you use the provided links, you can see installation videos for the hitch and the wiring harness I recommended.

expert reply by:
Mike L

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