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Will the Bestop Tigertop for Jeepster Commandos, # B5131101 Fit a 1969 Jeepster Commando  


Good Afternoon, Ive had people tell me they have replacements for my Jeepster Commando, but everytime it is the wrong one. I have a two door, with a rear seat tailgate opening convertible that also has the rear crank up window on the side. Help, Help, Help, send me some pictures of the frame, and the top. Thanks, and God Bless.


Expert Reply:

I spoke with my contact at Bestop regarding the Tigertop for Jeepster Commandos, # B5131101, and your 1969 Jeepster Commando. I explained to her the details of your vehicle and she stated that the top will fit your vehicle. I have included a link to the installation instructions below and while I do not have any additional pictures other than what is on the product page, the instructions does have a parts break down you can view.

expert reply by:
Michael H

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