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Compatibility of Reese Goose Box on Pickup Truck Flatbed With Recessed Gooseneck Ball  


I have a 2011 Dodge 3500 dually with a CandM flatbed. I am really interested in the Goose Box, but have some concerns with my current setup. The gooseneck ball sits in a 5 inch deep recessed box. The width goes from 7.5inch at the bottom up to 13inch as seen in the picture. Would the Goose Box have enough clearance or would I have to widen the gooseneck hitch by cutting a bigger opening on my flatbed?


Expert Reply:

I spoke with my Reese representative about the gooseneck hitch installed in your C & M flatbed. I provided the depth and dimensions around your recessed gooseneck ball, and was told that the Reese Goosebox would work perfectly with your flatbed.

At 4 inches up from the very bottom where the Goosebox clamps around the gooseneck ball, the clamp mechanism is 7-1/2 inches at its widest point. Because the clamp mechanism will sit about 1-1/2 inches above the floor of the recessed area, the Goosebox will have enough clearance to work just fine.

For a 20K capacity that replaces a Lippert 1621 or 1621 HD pin box, use # RP85FR. For a Lippert 0115, 1116 and 1716 and a 16K capacity, use # RP94716-61301.

expert reply by:
Mike L
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