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Can Rhino-Rack Vortex Aero Crossbars Be Cut to Size  


I understand Im able to cut the track that mounts to my truck cap roof to length. Am I also able to shorten the crossbars? Approx 6inch total, 3 off each end


Expert Reply:

It is possible to cut the Rhino-Rack crossbars but I do not recommend this as it will certainly void the warranty. Since we offer Rhino-Rack's Vortex Aero bars in various lengths you can simply choose the individual parts you prefer to make up your rack in the dimensions you prefer.

Since you want to end up with bars that are about 44-inches long I suggest part # RRVA118S-2. This is a set of silver Vortex Aero bars that come in that 44-inch size. With these you can use the 63-inch tracks # RTC16. We also offer shorter track lengths: 55-inch tracks are # RTC14, 47-inch tracks are part # RTC12JW.

You will also need footer assemblies to mount the crossbars to the tracks. You can choose either 2-inch tall Track Mount RLTP Legs # RLTP or 3-inch # RLTF. You'll also need Leg Spacer Blocks # RRVA-FK1, two sets, to level the bars.

expert reply by:
Adam R

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