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Titan Chain Sliding Lashing Winch for Flatbed Truck or Trailer - 5,500 lbs
Titan Chain

Titan Chain Sliding Lashing Winch for Flatbed Truck or Trailer - 5,500 lbs

Part Number: TCLR900
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Lashing Winch
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TCLR900 - 5500 lbs Titan Chain Sliding Winch
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This 6-3/4" tall sliding winch mounts in the C-channel winch track on your flatbed truck or trailer, and it is used to secure a tie-down strap (sold separately). It can accommodate winch straps up to 4" wide. Fastest Shipping and Great prices for Titan Chain Sliding Lashing Winch for Flatbed Truck or Trailer - 5,500 lbs. Read our customer reviews of Titan Chain lashing winch. Call 1-800-940-8924 for expert service or order your lashing winch part number TCLR900 by Titan Chain online at
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Titan Chain Lashing Winch - TCLR900

  • Sliding Winch
  • 5500 lbs
  • Titan Chain

This 6-3/4" tall sliding winch mounts in the C-channel winch track on your flatbed truck or trailer, and it is used to secure a tie-down strap (sold separately). It can accommodate winch straps up to 4" wide.


  • Lashing winch can be used on a flatbed truck or trailer to secure a strap (sold separately) over your load
    • Works with winch straps up to 4" wide
    • Requires winch tightening bar (sold separately) for operation
  • Sliding winch is designed to install in C-channel winch track (not included)
    • Slide winch back and forth in track to get desired positioning
    • Tighten down strap to secure winch in place
  • Standard profile
  • Powder coated steel is corrosion resistant
  • Meets or exceeds DOT requirements and WSTDA specifications


  • Overall dimensions: 7-3/4" wide x 6-3/4" tall x 4" long
  • Capacity: 5,500 lbs
  • Mandrel diameter: 1-15/16"
  • Winch bar opening: 15/16"
  • 30-Day limited warranty

Titan Chain Lashing Winch LR900 Diagram

LR900 Titan Chain Sliding Lashing Winch for Flatbed Truck or Trailer - 5,500 lbs

Video of Titan Chain Sliding Lashing Winch for Flatbed Truck or Trailer - 5,500 lbs

Videos are provided as a guide only. Refer to manufacturer installation instructions and specs for complete information.

Video Transcript for Complete Breakdown of the Titan Chain Sliding Lashing Winch for Flatbed Truck or Trailer

Today we're going to take a look at the Titan Chain Sliding Lashing Winch for flatbed truck or trailer. This is going to have a 5500-pound capacity. This is going to allow you to lash down any of your loads onto a flatbed truck or trailer, using a wide strap. Now, that strap is sold separately. We've got a lot of options here available at So definitely check those out, if you need some straps for tying down your load.

And it's going to work with straps that are up to four-inches wide. And it also is going to require a winch tightening bar, which is also sold separately for that operation. It's going to drop through there and allow you to crank that down, to tighten down any of your loads.Now, you want to make sure that you mount this in the orientation I have it here. This is just going to slide into the winch track. So, it has these two little indentions there, kind of little triangle shapes.

This is just going to slide along your flatbed truck or trailer, and be in whatever location you need it to be. The tension against that strap is going to be what holds it into position. But basically, you want that latch to engage the teeth on our wheel, so that it can't back out. So gravity just pulls it down, so it can click into place, and then it's going to hold your load secure there. So you can slide this back and forth to get it wherever you need it to be.

And then just tighten down your strap to secure it in place.As you can see, all our surfaces are covered in a nice black powdered coat, to make sure that we don't have any rusting on our steel. It is made of a durable steel construction. And this does meet or exceed all DOT requirements, and WSTDA specifications.As far as the dimensions on this, it's going to be about 7-3/4-inch wide. And 6-3/4-inch tall, and 4-inches deep. The diameter on the mandrel is going to be 1-15/16ths in diameter.

The opening for our handle, for our winch handle, is going to be 15/16th-inch in diameter. The slot in the middle of our mandrel bar, that's going to be 1/2-inch. And again, the max capacity with this lashing winch is going to be 5500 pounds.And that's going to do it for our look at the Titan Chain Sliding Lashing Winch for flatbed truck or trailer.

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Customer Reviews

Titan Chain Sliding Lashing Winch for Flatbed Truck or Trailer - 5,500 lbs - TCLR900

Average Customer Rating:  4.8 out of 5 stars   (16 Customer Reviews)

This 6-3/4" tall sliding winch mounts in the C-channel winch track on your flatbed truck or trailer, and it is used to secure a tie-down strap (sold separately). It can accommodate winch straps up to 4" wide.

by: 05/03/2023









Exactly what we needed. Fast service.


Works as it should. Item was in stock and shipped fast. which is good for a truck that stays on the road.


Extreme duty winch! I got these for use on the sliding rail on the trailer and they are built like a tank and easy to use. Highly recommend!


Great products




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