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Why Would Shock Absorbers Be Superior To SumoSprings To Reduce Bonce On Travel Trailer 3,500LB Axles  


Can you offer a bit more as to why shocks are better than sumo springs in this context? Im considering both for my Sundance 231ML travel trailer 7000 gross / tandem axle. I want to dampen bounce. Seems like shocks are the obvious choice but the sumo springs look so easy to install and apparently offer a dampening effect as well as a little extra support. thx


Helpful Expert Reply:

The shocks on the Roadmaster Comfort Ride Leaf Spring Suspension Kit # RM82MR tend to be superior to the SumoSprings Trailer Helper Springs # TSS-107-40 when you consider the contact area. The SumoSprings will only work as the material comes into contact with the frame. Which on a tandem axle trailer such as one axle compresses the other often moves away from the frame when you hit bumps which only allows one of the springs per axle to get additional support. The shocks on the Roadmaster work in both directions to help slow the shock no matter which way the springs are moving.

expert reply by:
Bud M

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