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Do I Need a PWM Filter for Each Camera on my Trailer?  


I have a furrion s vision camera system with a back up and 2 side cameras. Pull Rig is a 2022 Silverado and it sends the PWM signal so it obviously will not power the camera system. Will I require your pwm filter for each camera to make them all operational?


Expert Reply:

You will only need one of the 12V PWM Filter for RV Backup Camera Systems item # VGR64VR to power your trailers camera system with your Silverado if you wire it behind your main one. We have done it with the main camera successfully here and it has worked with the side cameras. This has worked because the side camera's send their signals to the main camera. If your side cameras do not work and only the main one does you will have to wire all three individually.

Another option is to use the 7-Way Vehicle Power Adapter for Furrion RV Observation Camera item # FR87PR.

expert reply by:
Jerred H

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