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Is There a Diode in the Circuit to the RV Auxiliary Power  


Is there a diode in the circuit that feeds the rv auxiliary power? If so where is it located? I want to use the solar panels on my camper to keep the truck batteries trickle charged during the winter when the rig is not in use. I know the system prevents the truck batteries from being discharged by the camper so there must be a diode or something to prevent backfeed. any help would be appreciated. Thanks


Expert Reply:

No, there is not a diode in the circuit feeding the RV Auxiliary power.

It sounds to me that you are wanting to use the solar panels on your RV to maintain the charge on your 2004 Chevrolet Silverado. You will not be able to use the solar panels to charge the battery on your truck. Unless you used the solar panels to power your RV and plugged a charger like the CTEK MULTI US 7002 12-Volt Universal Battery Charger # CTEK56353 into your RV outlet.

If you are concerned about your RV draining the battery on your truck you can unplug it or use a battery isolator like the Redarc Smart Start Battery Isolator - 12 Volt - 100 Amp # 331-SBI12 to keep your truck battery from being drained.

expert reply by:
Thomas M

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