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Powering A Small Fridge While On A Boat  


Hello, I bought a small fridge for the boat I bought a 3000watt inverter Should I buy a battery this all hooks up to that could be charged when the boat is running?


Expert Reply:

To charge the battery while the boat is running you would need to install solar panels which depending on your boat might not be an option. Typically most people run multiple batteries in parallel to run their appliances/equipment. Since you'll be running a fridge I recommend a deep cycle battery like the Bright Way Deep Cycle RV or Marine Battery - AGM - 12V - 110 Ah - Group 30H Item # BRW44FR. Deep cycle batteries are designed to provide a steady amount of current over a long period of time and can be repeatedly discharged and recharged without causing damage or shortening their life.

A 3000 watt inverter like the Go Power Industrial Pure Sine Wave Inverter Charger - 3,000 Watts - 100 Amps - 12V Item # 34275013 is a bit overkill for a small fridge. I recommend the Power Inverter 1000 Watts with Three AC Receptacles Item # WC3720 as it has three receptacles to power your fridge and two other appliances. You'll most likely need some extra 6AWG wire to run it to your battery bank.

expert reply by:
Kevin C

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