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Is it Safe to Remove Heat Shield on 2015 Subaru Forester to Install Curt Hitch # C13144  


2015 Subaru Forester Premium Is there a liability issue by removing the heat shield from the car? Subaru put the shield there for a reason? any thoughts? Thanks


Expert Reply:

When it comes to installing the Curt Trailer Hitch Receiver, # C13144, on your 2015 Subaru Forester, the hitch itself will now act as a heat shield for your vehicle. If you would feel more comfortable re-installing the original heat shield, you could do so just as long as you remove the portion of the shield that comes in contact with the frame. Please keep in mind that you will be removing some of the mounting points so there is a good chance that this will cause the shield to rattle and the cutting of the metal could cause it to rust.

I spoke with my contact at Curt and they have no reports of any issues from the heat shield being removed for hitch installation. Extensive testing is done before they release their instructions and since they specifically state to remove the shield, Curt will stand behind you should an issue arise.

Just a quick reminder, Curt does require the use of Support Straps, # 18050, for all non-trailer loads including bike racks, cargo carriers and so forth. Failure to properly support these loads will void your hitch warranty from Curt.

expert reply by:
Leah S

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