This wedge-shaped spotter mirror attaches to your factory side-view mirror to reduce blind spots when you drive. The convex lens offers a wide-angle view. Quick and easy peel-and-stick installation.
Blind spot mirrors may be placed anywhere you wish, but they are typically located on the bottom outside corner of a vehicle's side-view mirror. The desired placement varies from one person to the next.
You can try out different placements by putting a piece of folded tape on the back of the blind spot mirror and sticking it onto your side-view mirror where you think you might want it. Then sit in your car or truck and check to see if the mirror is reflecting the area you'd like to see. Keep adjusting the placement until it suits your needs.
When you have the mirror where you want it, peel off the backing and stick it on permanently.
Videos are provided as a guide only. Refer to manufacturer installation instructions and specs for complete information.
Hi there, haulers. Today, we're going to be taking a look at K-Source's Wedge Style, Convex Blind Spot Mirror. Before we show off our mirrors, we're going to go ahead and get a baseline with our truck here that has factory blind spot mirrors on them. It's got that lower convex mirror there that's going to be similar to the blind spot convex mirrors that we're going to be adding to our older truck over there. Here, I can clearly be seen in our factory mirror, both the straight one on top, as well as our blind spot down on bottom that has the convex mirror. But as I take a step towards the outside, I'm no longer visible in our regular mirror, but I can still be seen in our lower blind spot mirror due to that convex shape.Now that you've seen what our factory mirrors look like, we're going to go ahead and install one of our blind spot mirrors on our older truck, and you're going to be able to compare, to see that with these little mirrors, you're going to get the same functionality.
Now we're going to take a look at our blind spot mirror. You can see here that we can see our trailer in our factory mirror, but we get a much more complete view of the trailer in our blind spot mirror, increasing our viewing angle. I also really like it for backing up, if I've got to get into any tight spots where I really need to get the trailer angled really hard because, in our factory mirror, I lose sight of the back of my trailer, but I can still see it in the blind spot here.As you can see here, I was able to easily and confidently get my trailer parked into a nice tight spot here right next to our truck. You really couldn't have gotten any closer than this without a nice mirror to help you guide yourself in. I've also found them quite useful when hauling a 30 or 40-foot camper.
It's great for your RV's as well. They're extremely long to increase your viewing angle there. I also find it great for your regular vehicles that just have some blind spots that really bother you. You can throw those in and eliminate those blind spots.Unlike our factory mirror, which is a flat surface, our retro mirror here is a convex shape, which gives you a wider viewing angle. You do want to keep in mind that in a convex mirror, objects may be closer than they appear.
This is the retro model. It has that retro look. So, if you are looking for something on an older vehicle and you want to maintain that retro aesthetic, this can be a great option for you. But in my personal opinion, I would go for K-Source's Round 360-Degree Adjustable Convex Mirror because you just get a much better viewing angle. Another reason I like those, is once you stick this on, it's set for the driver and the position that they're in.
But with the adjustable one, you could easily have another driver swap out with you if you're on a long road trip and they can adjust that mirror for how they like to sit in the vehicle.The increased viewing angle of our convex mirror here is going to be great for changing lanes and passing other vehicles. It measures 1-1/2 by 2-1/4" for a nice small little mirror that can easily be attached to your factory mirror without obstructing too much of its viewing angles. Now, before you pull off the backing and stick it onto your mirror, I highly recommend you just hold it up there, maybe get an assistant to help hold it up in a place while you sit at your normal sitting angle in your vehicle so you can find the best angle because you can rotate them and put them in all the different ways that works best for you.They're extremely easy to install. I highly recommend that you clean your mirror to ensure that you get good adhesion to it. On back, they have an adhesive pad, and you'll just want to peel off the adhesive backing, and then we can go stick it in place. That completes our look at K-Source's Wedge Style Convex Blind Spot Mirror.
Average Customer Rating: 4.6 out of 5 stars (7 Customer Reviews)
This wedge-shaped spotter mirror attaches to your factory side-view mirror to reduce blind spots when you drive. The convex lens offers a wide-angle view. Quick and easy peel-and-stick installation.Easy to order. Very fast shipping. Thank you
I've used these blind spot mirrors for probably 35 years and they've saved my life a few times. Of all the blind spot mirrors on the market, the K-Source is the best.
I've used these for over 25 years on multiple cars. Love these. I wish more people used these...might help avoid accidents.
yes delivered 5.17.21---
order was correct
---going to try look up and down the catwalk ---
----still figuring out how to hang the mirrors and where to hang the mirrors--
----it is a good deal---thanks
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