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Replacement Jam Nut for Wheel Masters Wheel Liners - 32 mm - Qty 1
Wheel Masters

Replacement Jam Nut for Wheel Masters Wheel Liners - 32 mm - Qty 1

Part Number: WM9072F
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Replaces (1) 32 mm jam nut for Wheel Masters wheel liners. 1-800-940-8924 to order Wheel Masters accessories and parts part number WM9072F or order online at Free expert support on all Wheel Masters products. Great prices and Fastest Shipping for Replacement Jam Nut for Wheel Masters Wheel Liners - 32 mm - Qty 1. Accessories and Parts reviews from real customers.
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Wheel Masters Accessories and Parts - WM9072F

  • Wheel Covers Hubcaps
  • Jam Nut
  • Wheel Masters

Replaces (1) 32 mm jam nut for Wheel Masters wheel liners.


  • Replaces jam nut for Wheel Masters wheel liners
  • Dimensions: 32 mm
  • Quantity: 1 replacement nut

9072F Replacement Encapsulated Jam Nut for Wheeliners by WheelMasters - Qty 1


Video of Replacement Jam Nut for Wheel Masters Wheel Liners - 32 mm - Qty 1

Videos are provided as a guide only. Refer to manufacturer installation instructions and specs for complete information.

Video Transcript for Feature Breakdown: Replacement Jam Nut for Wheel Masters Wheel Liners

Hello everybody, this is Jeff at Today we've been taking a look at this replacement jam nut for the Wheel Masters 22 and a half inch wheel liners. It's for a quantity of one nut. Now this part here will replace a lost or damaged jam nut on your Wheel Masters wheel liners. And this jam nut is used to hold the Wheel Masters wheel liner in place on your wheel. This one here is designed to fit 22 and a half inch size wheel liners, the covered nut.

In other words, the cover that goes over the jam nut that's on the inside, you can see the size of the cover nut is 33 millimeters. And on the inside the jam nut is designed to fit onto a 22 millimeter stud. The nut cover is stainless steel construction. Basically what you'll do is place your wheel liner flush onto the wheel and on the front you'll align the hand holes on the wheel and the wheel liner for correct position. On the rear you'll align the liner and usually the hub cover against the wheel.

And then what you'll do is on both of them hand tighten the four jam nuts onto the studs and then complete by tightening the jam nuts to 40 foot pounds. Now you do wanna make sure you do 40 foot pounds. You do not wanna overtighten it past 40 foot pounds. This is for a quantity of one replacement nut with the stainless steel nut cover. But that should do it for the review on this replacement jam nut for the Wheel Masters 22 and a half inch wheel liners.


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Customer Reviews

Replacement Jam Nut for Wheel Masters Wheel Liners - 32 mm - Qty 1 - WM9072F

Average Customer Rating:  4.7 out of 5 stars   (21 Customer Reviews)

Replaces (1) 32 mm jam nut for Wheel Masters wheel liners.


All good, the nut inside is shorter than the originals on my 2004 holiday rambler admiral. I shortened up the body about 1/8" so I had a about 4 turns on the nut instead of just over 1 turn. Again all is good, fits good and looks entirely like the others except it is slightly shorter.

Darrel profile picture



Product is fine.

RobinH profile picture
Etrailer Expert

Robin H.


@Darrel glad to hear it.


These fit my wheel simulators on my motorhome perfectly. This is the second time I have ordered these. When I purchased my motorhome there were a couple missing and this time I had one that was rusted and I had to cut it off so I ordered some spares. etrailer was quick to ship.


Perfect replacement for some of the original ones that started to rust and separate.


This lug cover with the encapsulated nut fits a 2003 Monaco LaPalma 22.5 steer wheel. It screws onto the wheel stud after the lug nut is installed and helps hold the wheel cover on. On my motorhome there are four of these on each wheel. Please note that this particular cover fits only the front wheel! It is part number WM9072F. The encapsulated nut is too short to fit on to the exposed threads of the rear wheel stud. The lug cover for the rear wheel is WM 9072R. I received this part number information from Roadmaster Accessories which apparently took over Wheelmasterafter being referred to them by etrailer on 10/16/23. Thank you etrailer.


Was missing 2 of these for my Monaco Motorhome, exact fit. Thanks Etrailer for making it simple to buy.

Rick profile picture



Still on and working great


This item fit perfectly to replace the one gone missing from my 2008 Monaco LaPalma XL SE diesel pusher motorhome.

Ernesto P. profile picture

Ernesto P.


No issues. It’s still on the wheel. BTW you were the only vendor that had this part in stock!


I ordered 2 of these. Fit my needs perfectly. One was cosmetically damaged or flawed. It has a "ding" on the top rounded surface. Not sure how or when it happened. It seemed to be packaged correctly. See picture.


These lug nut covers are exactly like the originals Thank you etariler.


Very good service, got it on time. Have always got good service from E-Trailer.


They worked perfectly. They are 33mm not 32mm. Put them on my 09 Monaco La Palma 34SBD.


Exactly what I needed for my motorhome! Great service


Product as Expected and Service very good.


As it turned out this jam nut was exactly what I needed. Specs on website are incorrect. The nut size is 33 mm not 32 mm. The thread size is not listed. It is 22 mm. The product came quickly with no issues. I have a 2004 W22 workhorse chassis.




Fast service.








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