Give your awning extra support and help it hold its shape with the Solera Awnbrella. Keeps awning taut and arched so it won't sag, and quickly drains rainwater to prevent fabric from tearing. Perfect for destination campers and extended stays.
Videos are provided as a guide only. Refer to manufacturer installation instructions and specs for complete information.
Hi, everybody, Andy here with And today, we're gonna take a look at the Solera Awnbrella Support Kit for your 14-foot to 18-foot-wide RV awnings with 10-foot projections. These adjustable bows are going to hold your RV awning fabric taut and arched to prevent damage and correct sag, creating easy runoff for water and debris so rain won't pool and tear the fabric, and they'll keep the fabric from flapping noisily and stretching out of shape over time. These bows are going to work with most 10-foot projection awnings between 14-foot and 18-foot wide, and additional bows are recommended for every four foot of fabric beyond 18 foot. Now, these removable bows snap into place on the underside of your awning and tighten with the hand knobs, as you saw me doing just a few seconds ago. And what I'm trying to do here is just to show you the ends of each of these bows.
I have a good idea of what they look like. Now, I do want you to keep in mind that these bows must be removed before retracting your awning. And these two bows are made here in the United States of rust-proof aluminum. Installation hardware is included with this kit, along with a set of instructions, to walk you through that installation process. Let me go back to my overhead view and give you some overall measurements.
Measuring the outer bow arms from end to end, we're sitting right at 75 inches long. And then the inner bow arms, you're going to have two inner bow arms in each outer bow arm. And each of these inner bow arms measure 30 inches long. So again, you'll get two of those inner bow arms, and they're, again, very easily adjustable. And then, they'll tighten down with these included hand knobs.
Now, the maximum recommended spacing between the bows is 54 inches, and we do also offer these bows in different quantities and also different lengths as well. So check out our website. And if you're looking for a different length or different quantity, you can find those options here at Well, that's gonna conclude our look today. I do hope that it was helpful for you.
Again, my name is Andy. Thank you for joining me.
Average Customer Rating: 5.0 out of 5 stars (1 Customer Reviews)
Give your awning extra support and help it hold its shape with the Solera Awnbrella. Keeps awning taut and arched so it won't sag, and quickly drains rainwater to prevent fabric from tearing. Perfect for destination campers and extended stays.Much better than tipping the awning during rain
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