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Where are Taskmaster and Westlake Trailer Tires Made  


What is the country of origin of the Taskmaster and the Westlake trailer tires?


Expert Reply:

Hey Jim!

The Taskmaster and Westlake tires, like the Taskmaster ST235/75R15 Off-Road # TA45RR and Westlake ST235/75R15 Off-Road # WST54FR you were looking at, are made in China.

A lot of people tend to shy away from trailer tires made in China but truth be told, the vast majority of trailer tires out on the road right now were manufactured in China. Out of the options you were looking at I recommend picking up the Westlake as they are the more premium brand and they back up the tire with a 5-year warranty which is pretty unheard of in the tire industry.

expert reply by:
Jon G

Jim A.


Thank you John for your reply. As you said, there is so much negative info or opinion about Chinese tires, I an hesitant to but any. Our travel trailer came with Apex Rainier tires, which have about 2000 miles on them now, but thought I may need to replace them. Thanks again for your input Jim

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