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Is Derale Hyper-Cool Remote Cooler Assembly w/ Fans # D13740 a Good Choice for 2019 Chevy Silverado  


‘18 Chev 1500 4x4, 3.42 axles, 5.3 engine, factory tow package, all stock. Considering addition of Derale stacked 19 plate cooler kit. Do NOT want to obstruct A/C condenser or engine radiator. Factory rated to pull max 9,200# trailer. Mine will be 7,000 GVW. What is your best recommended location and position to install in? I want this to be a first class installation and transmission to last “forever” 6L80. Are fans in kit thermostatically controlled? If not, is kit available to do that? I live right on the shore of Lake Superior 8 months of cold and ~ 300” snow per season. Road salt exposure is an issue. Fans would not need to operate for about 8 months of the year, and then only when towing. I am a retired, degreed, automotive engineer so I understand the technical issues involved. ANY obstruction of grille area is UNACCEPTABLE. Thanks.


Expert Reply:

For a transmission cooler the Derale Hyper-Cool Remote Cooler Assembly w/ Fans # D13740 is a solid choice since it is a stacked plate style of cooler which is the most efficient style and the fans move quite a bit of air (630 CFM) so they will do a fantastic job keeping the fluid as cool as possible. The kit as-is does not have a thermostatically controlled way to operate the fans but with the part # D35025 in addition it will be. The fans will kick on above 190 degrees.

Now what I wish I could be more helpful on is the location of the install on your truck. We haven't installed this on a truck like yours so we don't have a perfect location already mapped out. Most likely somewhere behind the bumper will be a great option but it really just depends on the available space. Since this has fans air flow is not really a needed factor either. This overall measures 13" wide x 7-3/8" tall x 4-7/8" deep.

expert reply by:
Jameson C

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