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What's More Important When Choosing A Converter, Watts Or Amps  


I have a Charge Wizard PD9280 and it has 80 amp and 1300 watts. Im looking to get a new one but the one that I found only has a wattage of 1080. What is more important the AMPS or Wattage? I live in the RV full time. Thank you!


Expert Reply:

The amperage is going to be the more important factor for a converter like the # PD9280A. We calculate energy for batteries in amp hours, so the higher amount of amps you can recharge in and hour the faster the battery will charge. That being said, batteries do have specifications on how much amperage they can actually accept so you'll want to verify that you battery can even take 80 amps per hour otherwise certain batteries will shut themselves off and not charge or you'd essentially be spending more for a higher rated unit that's only using a small portion of its capacity.

expert reply by:
Kevin C

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