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Trailer Hitch and 4 Bike Rack Recommendation for 2019 Honda HR-V  


Im looking for a recommendation for a hitch style bike rack that will hold 4 adult bikes usually will actually use for 3, but want option to add 4th if guest tags along for our 2019 Honda HR-V. Also would like hitch recommendation 1.25inch or 2???. We are only occasional riders, so looking for cost-effective option.


Expert Reply:

In order to carry 4 bikes in a hitch installed on your 2019 Honda HR-V, you'd need to use the EcoHitch # 306-X7322. All the other hitches available for your vehicle are Class I hitches with a 1-1/4 inch receiver opening. The hitch and bike manufacturers all agree that more than 2 bikes should not be carried in a Class I hitch. The third and fourth bikes would apply leverage to the hitch that it wasn't designed for, which could cause the hitch to bend or fail. Which would be bad.

For a hitch mounted bike rack, the Swagman Original # S64400 you'd looked at would be a pretty good choice for somebody who doesn't travel far with their bikes and won't be using it every single day. It offers a no-frills way to carry your bikes around but if you'll be traveling any further than the closest county park, going with a better rack like the Swagman Trailhead, part # S63380 would be a better choice because of it's more secure bike cradles.

expert reply by:
Mike L

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