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Height from Bed Rails of Aries Headache Racks for 2018 Toyota Tundra CrewMax  


Dimensions on an Aries no-drill headache rack for a 2018 crewmax. I didnt see them. How high above the cab?


Helpful Expert Reply:

There are two Aries headache racks for the 2018 Toyota Tundra; the Switchback # AA1110117 and the AdvantEdge in chrome # AA1110206 and black # AA1110106.

The Switchback is a total of 22 inches tall at its highest point in the middle and the AdvantagEdge is 28-3/8 inches tall at its highest point on the posts. If you measure from the top of your bedrails where it sits you can get an idea of how high above your Tundra's cab it'll sit.

expert reply by:
Charles S
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