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Recommendation for Red Trailer Light without Wiring  


Looking for some kind of steady red light that I could just attach to rear of cargo trailer to increase visibility more than reflective tape. Dont have any power for a formal light kit. Thx.


Expert Reply:

I may have a solution for you, however we do not currently carry any standard trailer lights that will not require connecting some kind of wire or harness in order to receive power to activate the light.

We do offer red trailer reflectors like the Optronics Rectangular Trailer Reflector - Red # RE15RK that will provide better visibility when compared to tape. These can be mounted with the adhesive backing or with two screws. I have attached a short demonstration video for you to check out.

I also recommend looking at the Custer Red LED Safety Light # HF18R-HD. This has a magnetic base and can be easily mounted anywhere. It is battery powered from 4 AA batteries and the long-lasting LEDs will provide a nice bright light. Technically these are emergency lights, however there is a constant shine setting that can be used instead of flash.

I have included a couple of links that will take you to our available selection of these two types of products for you to look through.

expert reply by:
Chris R

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