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AquaFresh Exterior Water Filter System - Dual Cartridge - Advanced Carbon Block - 0.5 Micron

AquaFresh Exterior Water Filter System - Dual Cartridge - Advanced Carbon Block - 0.5 Micron

Part Number: AF77FR
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You Save: $72.37
RV Water Filter
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AquaFresh Carbon Filter RV Water Filter - AF77FR
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AquaFresh exterior dual-cartridge water filter system with prefilter and advanced carbon block filter. Removes dirt, large particles, chlorine taste and odor, sediment, rust, and volatile organic chemicals. Great Prices for the best rv water filter from AquaFresh. AquaFresh Exterior Water Filter System - Dual Cartridge - Advanced Carbon Block - 0.5 Micron part number AF77FR can be ordered online at or call 1-800-940-8924 for expert service.
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AquaFresh RV Water Filter - AF77FR

  • Water Filter Systems
  • Dual Cartridge
  • 0.5 Micron
  • Exterior Filter
  • AquaFresh
  • Ammonia
  • Chlorine
  • Rust
  • Sediment
  • Volatile Organic Chemicals
  • 6 Months
  • 1200 Gallons
  • Carbon Filter

AquaFresh exterior dual-cartridge water filter system with prefilter and advanced carbon block filter. Removes dirt, large particles, chlorine taste and odor, sediment, rust, and volatile organic chemicals.


  • AquaFresh exterior dual-cartridge water filter system with prefilter and advanced carbon block filter
  • Prefilter removes dirt and large particles
  • Advanced carbon block filter reduces chlorine taste and odor, sediment, rust, and volatile organic chemicals
  • Includes dual housing, wall bracket, and wrench


  • Micron rating:
    • Prefilter: 10
    • Advanced carbon block filter: 0.5
  • Flow rate: 2 gallons/minute
  • Operating pressure: 20 psi - 100 psi
  • Capacity:
    • Prefilter: as needed
    • Advanced carbon block filter: up to 1,200 gallons or 6 months of use
  • Cartridge length: 10" long

A01-1139 Aqua Fresh Exterior Water Filter System - Dual Cartridge - Advanced Carbon Block - 0.5 Micron

Video of AquaFresh Exterior Water Filter System - Dual Cartridge - Advanced Carbon Block - 0.5 Micron

Videos are provided as a guide only. Refer to manufacturer installation instructions and specs for complete information.

Video Transcript for Feature Breakdown: AquaFresh Exterior Water Filter System

Jeff: Hello everybody. This is Jeff at Today, we're going to take a look at this AquaFresh Exterior RV dual-cartridge water filter system. Now this Aquafresh water filter system with the pre-filter and the advanced carbon block filter will connect to your water system and then first filter out any dirt or large particles, and then reduce the fine particles to improve the quality of your water.It does include everything shown here on the table. It includes this dual housing, the wall bracket that we've already attached to it and the mounting hardware to install it. It comes with the pre-filter, the advanced carbon block filter and the wrench, which is used to loosen and tighten the cartridge or the housings right here.Now, the pre-filter right here is designed to remove dirt and large particles.

The micron rating on that is 10 and that one start right here. Your water comes in here and goes out here. So it will go into first housing and get the water the first time it comes in. And you just line it up, there's a raised portion on the bottom that'll hold that. And then just line it up and then go ahead and tighten it down and that will be your pre-filter.And then your next filter would be the advanced carbon block filter.

This will help reduce the chlorine, taste, the odor, sediment, rust, and any VOC's, which are volatile organic chemicals. This has a micron rating of 0.5. So again, this one you just unscrew, and the same way, there's a little raised portion that it'll hold the filter in. Go ahead and put it in there. And then just go ahead and tighten that down.

And again, that comes with this wrench, which I'll use to line it up here and then you can tighten it or open it, whichever you prefer. So basically your water comes in here, it goes through the pre-filter and then goes through the advanced carbon block filter and then comes out here.Few specs on this. The flow rate is two gallons, a minute operating pressure is 20 PSI to a 100 PSI. Capacity on the pre-filter is as needed, on the advanced carbon block filter's about up to 1200 gallons or six months of use. But both the filters will depend on the quality of the water that's going through it.

You just want to replace when an undesirable taste or odor appears or when the water flow decreases significantly. The length on these cartridges are 10 inches long. But that should do it for the review on this AquaFresh Exterior RV, dual-cartridge water filter system..

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Customer Reviews

AquaFresh Exterior Water Filter System - Dual Cartridge - Advanced Carbon Block - 0.5 Micron - AF77FR

Average Customer Rating:  4.6 out of 5 stars   (28 Customer Reviews)

AquaFresh exterior dual-cartridge water filter system with prefilter and advanced carbon block filter. Removes dirt, large particles, chlorine taste and odor, sediment, rust, and volatile organic chemicals.











Prompt service and shipped very quickly. Would buy from again.


Does exactly what I needed it to do. Filters my water in my camper.


Fantastic customer service!


I received my items so fast, and they were exactly as described.


I did order the wrong filter. However. It will work. My package came very quickly. Thank you.


Nice compact size so I was able to install it next to my water bay.


This filter system has worked great for the last year. I changed the filters at the end of the season and you can really see how much sediment didn’t make it into the camper. I looked inside the holding tank and water heater with an inspection camera and both look like new.


Meets all quality expectations!









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See what our Experts say about this AquaFresh RV Water Filter

  • Inlet And Outlet Fitting Size For The AquaFresh Exterior Water Filter System # AF77FR
    Hey Greg, The AquaFresh Exterior Water Filter System # AF77FR is designed to work with standard (3/4") garden hose fittings. If you're in need of a hose that's made of non-toxic material then you can also pick up AquaFresh's 25' # W01-0004 or 50' # W01-6600 hoses.
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  • Contents of AquaFresh Exterior Water Filter System - Dual Cartridge
    Yes, the AquaFresh Exterior Water Filter System, # AF77FR includes dual housing, the wall bracket with mounting hardware, both the pre-filter and carbon block filter along with the wrench for housing.
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  • How To Store AquaFresh Exterior Water Filter AF77FR When Not In Use
    The filters in the AquaFresh Exterior Water Filter System - Dual Cartridge - Advanced Carbon Block - 0.5 Micron # AF77FR you were looking at will need to be stored inside of the filter housing, and you will just need to jeep the inlet and outlet of the housing plugged to prevent debris from getting in. These filters are good for 6 months or 1200 gallons of water, which ever comes first. When it comes time to replace the filter you will need # AF57FR and # AF47FR. I included videos of...
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  • Can the AquaFresh Exterior Water Filter System Be Installed Inside the RV
    I contacted the manufacturer in regards to using the AquaFresh Exterior Water Filter System # AF77FR under your bathroom sink. All they were able to tell me was that the AquaFresh Exterior Water Filter System # AF77FR should be used outside of the of the RV, not inside. Typically it is installed in an exterior compartment. They unfortunately did not provide any insight on why it needs to be installed outside.
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  • Should Water Be Removed From AquaFresh Water Filter AF77FR When Storing It?
    I reached out to my contact at AquaFresh and she mentioned that when storing the AquaFresh Exterior Water Filter System # AF77FR you will drain as much water as possible, seal the ends of the filter housing, and keep it in a cool area out of sun light. Doing this will keep the filter from getting bacteria inside of it, and you do not want to add any sort of solution to the filters. I included a video of the # AF77FR for you to take a look at.
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  • Overall Dimensions of AquaFresh Water Filtration System part # AF77FR
    I checked with AquaFresh and their Water Filtration System part # AF77FR is over-all height from the top of the metal bracket to the bottom of the filters is 13”, and the width of the bracket is 9-1/2”
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  • Dimensions of the AquaFresh Exterior Water Filter System
    Hey Paul thanks for your patience. I just heard back from Valterra. The AquaFresh Exterior Water Filter System item # AF77FR measures 13” from the top of the metal bracket to the bottom of the filters. The bracket itself is 9-1/2” wide but the filter inlets and outlets stick out an 1" on both sides to make the overall width 11-1/2". The bracket is 6" deep. You will need a minimum of 2" of clearance below the cartridge to swap them out.
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