Review of Mount-n-Lock RV and Camper Hitch - Bumper Mount Hitch - MNT82VR- Video
Hi everybody, Steven here with Let's take a look at the ShakeStopper Extreme Duty for the heavy hauler 5 and 5/16th inch square RV bumpers. Now, this will give you a two-inch hitch receiver rated at 500 pounds when it's installed correctly. So this bumper-mounted hitch receiver is what you mount above or below that 5 and 5/16th inch square RV bumper that's 5 and 5/16ths by 5 and 5/16ths. And this will fit two-inch bike racks and cargo carriers. So it's giving you a hitch attachment on that back bumper. more
1/7/2025 12:47:24 PM
Installing the Curt Adjustable Width Trailer Hitch Receiver on a 2010 IC Bus CE-Series- Video
Hi, Bruce with etrailer. Today on our 2010 IC bus, we're going to be installing our CURT class three trailer hitch. This class three CURT hitch is designed to customize to your vehicle's frame. There will be some drilling required on your frame, and also, you may have to cut the main tube of the hitch itself because that allows it to be customizable 'cause it's usually a little longer. And we have a two by two inch receiver tube that's great with most ball mounts and accessories. This does accept the 5/8 trailer pin. more
9/30/2024 1:56:26 PM
Review of Mount-n-Lock RV and Camper Hitch - Bumper Mount Hitch - MNT72VR- Video
Hello, neighbor! Steven here with Let's take a look together at our ShakeStopper heavy duty two-inch hitch receiver for your four-inch RV bumpers and it's rated at four hundred pounds. So folks, a lot of times you get a bumper-mounted hitch receiver. A lot of 'em have those big U-bolts and stuff, they're cumbersome to put on and they can actually damage your square bumper. Well, these guys here at ShakeStopper got an option for you. This bumper-mounted hitch receiver can mount either above or below that four-by-four bumper and it is designed specifically to fit the two-inch by two-inch bike rack and cargo carriers. more
8/16/2024 10:34:30 AM
Stromberg Carlson Adjustable Accessory Hitch Receiver Feature Review- Video
Hello, neighbors. I'm Steven here at Today we're looking at this Stomberg Carlson Adjustable Accessory Hitch Receiver. Now folks, this is a universal hitch. It's designed to work and use on travel trailers and fifth wheels. It can be either bolted or welded on by a professional onto your trailer. more
4/10/2024 11:21:17 AM
Best RV Camper Hitch Options- Video
Hello, neighbors. It's Brad here at etrailer and today we're taking a look at hitch options for your RV or camper. Now if your camper or RV hasn't come with a hitch from the factory, not to worry you do have some options to add one including a frame mounted or a bumper mounted hitch. Now if you have a Coach, something like this and you plan on flat towing a vehicle, a boat, a trailer, anything along those lines, you're gonna wanna look at a frame mounted hitch that's gonna give you the most weight capacity available and also just the strongest, most robust attachment point. Bumper mounted hitches are a great quick easy way to add a little bit of capacity to your RV whether it be bike racks or cargo carriers. Now keep in mind that bumper mounted hitches are mostly designed for accessories to be loaded up, not necessarily for towing, but regardless of what you're planning to do with that hitch you wanna check the bumpers capacity to make sure that it's safe to do whatever you may be loading up and never really go over that weight limit. more
8/14/2023 1:54:51 PM
Hey guys, it's Jake here with etrailer. Today, we have a 2020 Dutchmen Coleman Travel Trailer and we're gonna be taking a look at, and I'm gonna show you how to install the Mount-n-Lock ShakeStopper Two-Inch Hitch Receiver. Right off the bat, you'll notice that it has quite a different design than other RV hitch receivers. We will also point out that this is not gonna be for towing. So if you'd like to tow something behind your RV, we do have many other hitches that are on our website that are designed for towing. This hitch is going to be several different pieces, which is kind of what makes it unique. more
8/7/2023 12:50:33 PM
Hi, John with etrailer. Today we're taking a look at Curt's adjustable trailer hitch for trucks, RVs, and buses. Now what makes makes this hitch adjustable is you've got two brackets on either side and the cross tube here can adjust for as small as 22 inches, if you have a smaller rig, up to 66 inches wide. this is gonna be cut to fit. So if we take a closer look at the hitch here, this is gonna be a class three hitch. That means that the receiver portion is two inches by two inches. more
6/22/2023 12:41:24 PM
Mount-n-Lock ShakeStopper for 5.3" RV Bumpers Spec Review- Video
Hello everybody. This is Jeff at Today I'm gonna take a look at this Mount-n-Lock ShakeStopper with the two-inch hitch receiver for the 5.3 inch RV bumpers, has a 400 pound weight capacity. Now this ShakeStopper bumper mount two-inch hitch receiver will let you mount your bike rack or your cargo carrier either above or below your five inch by five inch RV bumper. Just to show you what we're talking about I'm gonna pop up an insert and you can see with it either mounted above your bumper or if you flip it around you can mount it below. You can mount the hitch below the bumper if your camper body is hanging over your bumper. more
5/10/2023 10:38:48 AM
Let’s Check Out the Ultra-Fab 2" Motor Home Trailer Hitch Receiver for 4" x 4" Bumpers- Video
Hello everybody, this is Jeff at Today we're gonna take a look at this Ultra-Fab two inch Motor Home Trailer Hitch Receiver for four inch by four inch steel bumpers, has a 3,500 pound gross towing weight capacity. Now, this powder coated steel hitch receiver is designed to clamp around your RV's four inch square bumper, and it provides this two inch receiver opening for your hitch mounted accessories such as bike racks, cargo carriers, or you can even use it for light towing. Now, this hitch receiver can only be mounted onto a four inch square continuous steel welded bumper, it's not designed for aluminum bumpers. This is a heavy-duty steel construction, does have a maximum gross trailer weight capacity of 3,500 pounds. Now, one note on that is you do not wanna exceed the weight rating of the bumper it attaches to, and it has a maximum tongue weight of 100 pounds. more
3/14/2023 1:17:03 PM
In-Depth Review of the etrailer RV Bumper 2" Trailer Hitch Receiver- Video
AJ What's up everybody It's AJ with Today we're gonna be checking out this RV bumper hitch and that's gonna work on RV bumpers or camper bumpers like we have here. It's gonna be a good way to attach a hitch. That way you can carry more accessories on the back and save some space on the inside. Let's check it out. It's gonna be a bumper mounted hitch, so it goes around the bumper on your camper or RV. more
12/13/2022 1:01:18 PM
Checking Out the etrailer RV Bumper 2" Trailer Hitch Receiver- Video
Hi everybody, Andy here with and today we're gonna take a look at this etrailer RV bumper two-inch trailer hitch receiver. This bumper trailer hitch receiver is intended for use on 4-inch by 4-inch and 4-inch by 4 1/2-inch bumpers on the rear of many RVs and towable campers. You're simply going to use the bottom two holes closest to the receiver for 4-inch by 4-inch RV bumpers and then use the top holes furthest from the receiver for your 4-inch by 4 1/2-inch RV bumpers. Now this 2-inch trailer hitch receiver is ideal for RV approved hitch accessories such as your bike racks and cargo carriers. And this has a matte black powder coat finish that's going to resist corrosion. And this has a weight capacity of 3,500 pounds gross towing weight and 350 pounds tongue weight. more
11/14/2022 1:31:19 PM
Curt Adjustable Width RV Trailer Hitch Installation - 2016 Keystone Hideout Travel Trailer- Video
Hey guys, Kevin here, at etrailer, and today I'll be showing you how to install, the Curt, adjustable trailer hitch receiver. Here on our 2016 Keystone Hideout travel trailer. So, one of the most important steps in choosing the correct, adjustable trailer hitch receiver for your trailer, is to measure from one frame beam over to the next one. And you're gonna wanna measure from the inside to the inside if you have an I-beam trailer. So with ours today if I measure across, I'm gonna end up getting, roughly, 68 and a half inches, from the inner beam to inner beam. So I can go ahead, and I can take that and go back to our fit guide, and find the correct size adjustable trailer hitch. more
11/9/2022 2:29:41 PM
All About the Ultra-Fab 2" Motor Home Trailer Hitch Receiver for 4" x 4" Bumpers- Video
Hey everybody, how's it going Today, we're gonna be going over and showing you how to install the Ultra-Fab Trailer Hitch for four inch by four inch RV Bumpers. So, adding a bumper hitch to the back of your trailer it's gonna be a great idea. So, the main use we have for these, most of our customers are gonna be using for a bike rack, but we can use it pretty much for any other two inch hitch mountain accessories. Keep in mind, it's not actually designed for towing. So, one of the bigger problems that we have while we're towing, is that we no longer have space to put the bikes on the back of the vehicle. Chances are, if we have a truck with a truck bed, we're gonna be filling that with other camping items, and there's not much room on the tongue of the trailer either. more
3/1/2022 11:10:52 AM
Hands-On with the Ultra-Fab 2" Motor Home Trailer Hitch Receiver for 4" x 4" Bumpers- Video
Hi there, I'm Michael with Today, we're gonna take a quick look at this Ultra-Fab Motor Home Bumper Trailer Hitch Receiver. This is a nice sturdy steel unit that's going to bolt onto the top of your RV's four inch by four inch continuous steel welded bumper with this included hardware. You can see, the U-bolts there are going to tighten this down to make sure that it's gonna be nice and secure on your bumper. And then it will provide that two inch by two inch trailer hitch receiver opening at the rear of your motor home, so that you can get your hitch mounted accessories, like your bike racks and cargo carriers mounted in place. This does have a 100 pound weight capacity, so you wanna keep that in mind with your bike racks and all the bikes loaded on, make sure you're not gonna exceed that 100 pounds, also with your cargo carriers and any gear you have in there. more
1/31/2022 3:44:47 PM
Ultimate Overview of the Curt RV Bumper Hitch- Video
What's up everybody Adam, here with the etrailer. Let's take a look at the Curt Bumper Hitch Receiver. So we're going to have two different kinds. This one's going to be able to fit a four by four inch welded steel bumper. And we're also going to have one, that's going to fit a four by two steel bumper as well. So whatever bump you have on your trailer, just measure it and I'll let you know which one you're going to have to go with. more
11/22/2021 11:06:09 AM
All About the Mount-n-Lock HiLoHitch for 4.0" RV Bumpers- Video
Hey, guys. Today we're going to be going over the Mount-n-lock HiLoHitch for a 4" RV bumpers. So the Mount-n-Lock HiLoHitch is going to be an excellent option for any trailer or RV with a four inch by four inch standard bumper. This is an industry standard size so it would be good to go ahead and measure, but chances are, if you have the square bumper on the back of your RV, it's going to be this four inch by four inch. Basically what this does is it's going to give us a connection point for a two inch hitch mounted accessory, such as a bike rack that you see here or a cargo carrier. So if you're familiar with RVs, you've probably heard of the hitch-mounted bumpers before. more
2/1/2021 9:28:46 AM
Set up: Mount-n-Lock HiLoHitch for 4.0" RV Bumpers on a 2017 Keystone Hideout Travel Trailer- Video
Hey, guys. Today, we're going to be taking a look at the Mount-n-Lock HiLoHitch for 4" RV bumpers here on our 2017 Keystone Hideout. So the Mount-n-Lock HiLoHitch is going to be an excellent option for any trailer or RV with a 4" x 4" standard bumper. This is an industry standard size. So it would be good to go ahead and measure. But chances are, if you have the square bumper on the back of your RV, it's going to be this 4" x 4".Basically what this does is it's going to give us a connection point for a 2" hitch-mounted accessory, such as a bike rack that you see here, or a cargo carrier. more
1/28/2021 3:58:47 PM
Breaking Down the Multi-Fit Motor Home Trailer Hitch, 47"- Video
Jeff: Hello, everybody. This is Jeff at Today, we're going to take a look at this Draw-Tite adjustable two-inch motor home trailer hitch. Now, this is an adjustable trailer hitch receiver. It's designed for use on RVs. It can be bolted to the vehicle frame or welded on for a no-drill application. more
10/6/2020 10:32:49 AM
Let’s Check Out the Mount-n-Lock HiLoHitch for 4.0" RV Bumpers- Video
Jeff: Hello everybody. This is Jeff at Today we're going to take a look at the Mount-n-lock 2-inch, HiLoHitch for a 4" RV bumper. Now this HiLoHitch is designed to mount around your 4-inch RV bumper, giving you a place to secure your bike racks, cargo carriers and other hitch accessories. Uses a unique clamping hitch design, has a pressure plate and heavy duty fasteners that'll secure your bike rack or your cargo carrier in place. The pressure plates will distribute clamping force, reducing the risk of any damage to your accessory. more
4/14/2020 11:32:07 AM
Complete Breakdown of the Buyers Products RV Bumper Receiver Hitch- Video
Hey guys, it's Colin here at etrailer today. We're going to take a look at, and I'm going to show you how to install, the RV Bumper Hitch from Buyers Products. Now, this hitch was made to be able to attach to your standard of four inch by four inch or four and a half inch by four inch bumper on the back of your travel trailer or fifth wheel trailer. Just gives you an option to be able to get any hitch-mounted accessories, like a bike rack or a cargo carrier loaded up, and that's going to conserve on space on the inside of your vehicle. One thing I do want to point out is that this hitch was not made to tow anything. So if you're looking for a hitch to mount to your bumper, which you can tow small utility trailers or kayak trailers with, we've got plenty of those available here at etrailer.This is really just going to be a nice and sturdy receiver hitch that Buyers Products made. more
8/27/2019 10:28:32 AM
Adjustable Width Trailer Hitch Receiver for RVs, 22" to 66" Wide: The Breakdown- Video
Today we're going to take a look at the Curt Adjustable Width 2-inch Trailer Hitch Receiver for RVs. It has a 5000 pound weight capacity. Now this adjustable trailer receiver hitch, it's designed for use on RVs or motor homes, and it can be bolted to the vehicle frame or welded on for a no-drill application. They do use these heavy duty side frame brackets, which allow for maximum adjustability from 22 inches all the way out to 66 inch-wide frames. They'll just slide along the hitch body to match the width of the vehicle frame you're installing it on. And they will work on a box frame, a C-Channel frame, or even on I-beam frame.They do include everything shown here. more
5/29/2019 1:32:36 PM
All You Need to Know About the RV Bumper 2" Trailer Hitch Receiver- Video
Today we're taking a log at a Swagman RV bumper, two inch trailer hitch receiver. This unit adds a two inch hitch to your RV, that way you can load up your bike rack and your bikes and take them along with you on your adventure.Now this is a solid steel construction. Nice powder coated finish to resist rust and corrosion. I do have it mounted to a block that way you can kind of see how it would wrap around an RV bumper.It comes with all the necessary hardware for installation. This is for use with up to a four bike, non-folding, standard bike rack. It comes with the anti-rattle screw or bolt which can be tightened against the shank of your accessory to reduce rattle and movement from within the hitch. more
3/13/2019 7:37:02 AM
Buyers Products RV Universal Receiver Hitch Review- Video
Randy: Hey guys. Randy here at Today we're taking a look at the Buyers bumper mount receiver tube head. Now this is going to be a really good way to tow a small trailer. Maybe you've got some dirt bikes, a small boat or something like that you want to get along with you. It's also going to come in really handy for accessories. more
3/5/2019 1:02:22 PM
Feature Breakdown: RV Bumper 2" Trailer Hitch Receiver- Video
Randy: Hey guys, it's Randy here at Today we're taking a look at a receiver tube hitch designed for use on travel trailers from Swagman. Now, this offers a 2" x 2" receiver tube opening, so it's going to be compatible with all types of Class III accessories. One thing to ensure when using a bike rack or a cargo carrier back here, you want to make sure that those are RV approved. Generally, that's going to mean they don't have a fold or a tilt option.Now, by adding this Swagman hitch, we're going to add some versatility to our travel trailer. In this case, we're able to get a bike rack installed or a cargo carrier installed. more
2/27/2019 7:12:59 PM
Ultra-Fab 2" Motor Home Trailer Hitch Receiver for 4" x 4" Bumpers: The Breakdown- Video
Randy: Hey guys, it's Randy here at Today we're going to be taking a look at a couple of bumper mount hitches available from Ultrafab. These are designed to work on square, whether that's four by four, or four and a half by four rear bumpers. Want to make sure that it's a solid bumper. But it's going to give you an additional attachment point here on the back, with a two inch by two inch receiver tube opening.Now in the under mount position, mounted under our bumper, this is going to be ideal for your ball mounts, they're for towing. It can also be flipped over and mounted on top, if you want to use cargo carriers or bike racks. more
2/27/2019 8:12:42 AM
Stromberg Carlson 2" Motor Home Hitch Receiver for RV Bumpers Spec Review- Video
Randy: Hey guys, it's Randy here at Today we're taking a look at a Bumper Style Receiver Tube Hitch. We're going to work on RVs and travel trailers. This one's from Stromberg Carlson.Now this bumper mount receiver tube is going to be an excellent way to solve the problem of getting either dirty, muddy gear to or from the campsite, or getting some bikes. This is going to work out with bike racks. It's going to work out with cargo carriers.This is going to give you some additional capacity. more
2/27/2019 7:57:15 AM
Speaker 1: Today on this 2017 Forest River Rockwood Mini Lite Trailer, we're going to review and install the adjustable width trailer hitch receiver for RVs, part number 13703. This is what the hitch looks like when it's installed on the back of our RV, here. Notice, it does sit pretty far back, due to the construction of the trailer. With our opening, right here, we got plenty of room between the bumper and the hitch. That will give us a lot of room for any accessories you put into the hitch.As you can see, here, a customer has another hitch mounted to this tube, right here. However, the problem he's running into is that his accessory is too heavy and it's actually twisting his bumper as he goes up and down the road. more
12/4/2018 3:17:43 PM
Ultimate Overview of the Multi-Fit Motorhome Trailer Hitch, 24"- Video
Speaker 1: Today we're taking a look at the Draw-Tite Multi-fit Motorhome Trailer Hitch. The multi-fit motorhome trailer hitch fits most motorhomes and RVs with chassis from 24 inches to 46 inches wide. This hitch has a two-inch by two-inch opening and will accept standard two-inch hitch accessories, so your accessory, or ball mount, slides into the receiver tube. You line up the pinholes and secure it with a hitch pin and clip, hitch lock, or the J-pin stabilization device. All of those items are sold separately and available at The pinhole for securing an item inside the receiver will accept a standard five-eighth inch diameter pin or hitch lock.Now, the unit is made from a durable steel construction. more
11/1/2018 12:35:08 PM
Ultra-Fab 2" Trailer Hitch Receiver for Trailer Frames Spec Review- Video
Speaker 1: Today we're taking a look at the Ultra Fab 2" Trailer Hitch Receiver for trailer frames. This unit provides a 2" by 2" trailer hitch receiver opening at the rear of your trailer or RV. This is perfect for mounting the bike rack, cargo carrier or other hitch accessory. Please keep in mind that this is not to be used for towing applications.It welds onto I-beam, C-channel or rectangular trailer frames. Also keep in mind that a gusset may be required to weld onto I-beam frames. And a plate may be required to weld onto a C-channel frame. more
10/31/2018 11:15:10 AM
Lippert 1-1/4" Trailer Hitch Receiver for I-Beam Campers and Trailers Feature Review- Video
Speaker 1: Today, we're taking a look at the Lippert Component's inch and a quarter trailer hitch, for trailer frames. Now this unit allows you to add a hitch onto your trailer frame. It proves an inch and a quarter by inch and a quarter opening. This is great for hauling bike racks, and cargo carriers, basically non-towing loads. There's no safety chain connection points on here, or anything like that.It does have a hitch pin hole, right here to secure the shank on whatever it is that your accessory is. To secure it you will need a hitch pin and clip, or a hitch lock. more
10/2/2018 8:40:11 AM
Buyers Products RV Bumper Receiver Hitch: The Breakdown- Video
Speaker 1: Today we're taking a look at a RV Bumper Receiver Hitch. The RV Bumper Receiver Hitch is ideal for adding a bike rack, cargo carrier, or other cargo accessory to the back of your RV. This is not designed for towing applications. This adaptor clamps onto a four inch, or four and a half inch square RV bumper, and it accepts two inch by two inch hitch accessories.It can be mounted under or on top of your RV bumper, whatever works best for your application, and it includes durable zinc plated installation hardware. So these are your brackets. These are your bolts, and you have flat washers, split lock washers and nylon lock nuts to get this installed to your square RV bumper.Now the hitch itself is made from a durable carbon steel construction. more
5/15/2018 12:40:09 PM
An In-Depth Look at the Buyers Products RV Universal Receiver Hitch- Video
Speaker 1: Today we're taking a look at an RV universal receiver hitch. The RV bumper hitch enables you to bring along your favorite vacation items. So, with this you can tow a trailer or use the hitch for a bike rack or cargo carrier. Now, if you are towing a trailer, you will need a ball mount in order to connect it to the coupler on your trailer. That is sold separately and we offer ball mounts here at If you're interested, you'd also need a hitch ball. more
5/3/2018 3:00:17 PM
Adjustable Width Trailer Hitch Receiver for RVs, 22" to 72" Wide: The Breakdown- Video
Today we're going to be taking a look at the Curt Adjustable Width Trailer Hitch Receiver for RVs. Now, this universal hitch is designed for use on RVs and motor homes. It gives you a 2 inch by 2 inch receiver opening, so it's going to be great for hauling your RV approved accessories such as bike racks, hitch mounted cargo carriers and other similar accessories as well, as well as for towing. When it comes to the maximum gross trailer weight rating that's going to be 3,500 pounds with a maximum tongue weight capacity of 350 pounds. Please note that this unit is not approved and not designed for weight distribution systems. It does feature these heavy-duty side brackets. These are going to allow for a maximum adjustability, so you can see here that these side brackets slide along that main body tube. more
6/8/2017 12:58:43 PM
Review of the Curt Adjustable Trailer Hitch Receiver- Video
Today, we're going to be taking a look at a Curt Adjustable Width Trailer Hitch for RVs. This universal hitch is designed for use on RVs, and can be bolted to the vehicle frame or welded on for no-drill application. It's going to come with these heavy duty frame side brackets. These are separate parts, which are going to allow for maximum adjustability. These brackets are steel, and measure a quarter of an inch thick. They can slide along the hitch body to match the width of your vehicle frame, so each one will slide along the hitch body. Makes it a very versatile hitch. more
4/25/2017 9:55:15 AM
A Closer Look at the Adjustable Width Trailer Hitch Receiver for RVs, 18" to 51" Wide- Video
Today we're going to be taking a look at the Curt adjustable width trailer hitch for RVs. This universal hitch is designed for use on RVs and motor homes. It's going to come with everything that you see laid out here on the table. It's also going to come with some detailed installation instructions to help walk you through that whole process step by step. The unique design of this hitch that makes it a universal design is really these slide along frame brackets. These heavy duty side brackets are going to allow for maximum adjustability. more
4/10/2017 10:33:30 AM
The Low-Down on the Stromberg Carlson 2" Motor Home Hitch Receiver for RV Bumpers- Video
Today we're gonna be taking a look at the Stromberg Carlson two inch motor home hitch receiver. This trailer hitch receiver clamps onto your RV's rear bumper to accommodate hitch accessories such as a bike rack or a cargo carrier. As you can see, I have it clamped onto a block just for demonstration purposes today. Gives you an idea of how it would fit around your RV bumper. It simply clamps onto the top or it can be rotated to where it's underneath the bumper. It's made from a durable steel construction. It's gonna have a powder coated finish on it, it's black in color. more
3/20/2017 2:18:25 PM
Today we're going to be taking a look at the best hitch options for your RV, camper or fifth wheel. We'll be taking a look at three frame mount options and three bumper mount options. The three frame mount options that we have are the Ultra Fab, part number UF35-946403. Then we have the CURT, part number C13702 and then we have the CURT, part number 13703. For our bumper mount options, first one's going to be the CURT, part number E-100. Second is going to be our Swagman and that's part number S64025, and then finally, we have an Ultra Fab, part number UF35-946402. The first thing to do is to determine what category you fall into. more
3/14/2017 10:08:17 AM
Curt Hitch Product Line Manufacturer Demo- Video
With over 1,000 different trailer hitch designs, Curt is the first name in towing products. We make our hitches vehicle-specific to provide the best possible fit for each new make and model on the road today. Sophisticated design software, hands-on engineering, and quality steel, are all combined right here in the USA to make hitches that are perfectly suited for your vehicle and lifestyle. In our state of the art testing facility, our hitches are evaluated to ensure they meet or exceed all industry standards, and function at the level of quality and durability our customers expect. Curt hitches are made to last, featuring a cold cured liquid aquence 00:00:50 and highly durable powder coat finish to provide superior protection against rust, chipping, and UV damage. We're so confident in the quality of our trailer hitches that we back them up with a limited lifetime warranty. We work hard, so you can play even harder. Get out on the road, do more of what you love, and enjoy it for years to come with Curt. The first name in towing products.. more
3/2/2016 4:56:09 PM
Review of the Curt RV Bumper Hitch- Video
4/24/2013 5:18:23 AM
Hands-On with the Curt RV Bumper 2" Trailer Hitch Receiver- Video
Today were going to review part number E-100. This is the Curt RV Bumper 2 Inch Trailer Hitch Receiver. This Curt RV bumper mount trailer hitch has a two inch square receiver opening, which is ideal for RV approved hitch accessories, such as bike racks and cargo carriers. This is intended for use on four inch square channel bumpers on the rear of many RVs and towable campers. It does have a black powder coat finish, which will resist corrosion. It does include the mounting hardware, the two carriage bolts and the two hex flange nuts.This hitch does have a weight capacity of 3,500 pounds gross towing weight capacity and a 350 pound tongue weight capacity. more
12/27/2012 1:16:15 PM
A Closer Look at the Adjustable Width Trailer Hitch Receiver for RVs, 22" to 72" Wide- Video
Today on our hitch mounted pull behind camper well be installing the Curt adjustable width trailer hitch receiver, part number 13703. Before we can secure the hitch to the trailer we need to go ahead and slide the side brackets onto the receiver tube and mount it into place. Its a good idea to have an extra set of hands to help you put your hitch into position. To hold it into position you can use jacks, clamps, or even blocks of wood so that it will hold it into place so that it will allow you to use the hitch as a template to pre-drill the attachment points. Were working with a box channel so well be using all six attachment points on each side. Therell be four on the side of the frame and two in the bottom. more
10/8/2012 3:49:17 PM