Review of Optronics Emergency Vehicle Lights - Amber LED Strobe - OPT99AB- Video
Hello everybody, Steven here with Today, we're looking at our electronic strobe warning light with an SAE Class 2 rating and it's an LED light with amber lights and it's a permanent mount. Now, I wanna start off by explaining and letting you know there will be some strobe videos here when I'm demoing this. So if that kind of stuff messes with you, please turn away, stop the video or pause it. I'll let you know when we get to that point. I just wanna put that warning out there. more
12/19/2024 12:28:02 PM
A Closer Look at the Optronics Low Profile Clear Strobe Warning Light- Video
How's it going, neighbors This is Ed here with And today, we're gonna take a look at the Optronics low profile puck style emergency strobe light. All real difference between the permanent mount and the magnetic mount is just basically gonna be the way that it's connected. The magnetic mount is gonna have a installed battery on the bottom that's padded, that's gonna protect the finish on your vehicle. If you have a Ford truck or, you know, non-magnetic surface on your roof, you will have to get a magnetic bracket and those things are available. But other than that, you're gonna just be able to mount it directly onto the roof using the screw holes for this guy. more
11/12/2024 2:06:55 PM
Checking Out the Optronics Strobe Clear Warning Light- Video
Hey, neighbors, how's it going This is Ed here with, and we're taking a look at the Optronics LED Warning Light for the top of your vehicle. So, this is gonna work out pretty well for those real specific situations where you're needing the extra visibility like in agriculture, production and industrial applications. So, we'll take a closer look at our light and see what it does for us. So, as you can see, you have a good rotation as far as the lights. It goes 365 degrees around the vehicle, and that is how it gets the rating of the J845, 'cause you can have 360 degrees of illumination. Another thing that's also managed to be achieved is being Title 13-compliant in the State of California. more
11/12/2024 11:21:27 AM
Optronics Strobe Amber Warning Light Comprehensive Review- Video
How's it going, neighbors This is Ed here with, and today we're gonna take a look at the Optronics Amber Warning Light for your truck with a magnetic base. Now when you add these types of devices to your vehicle, generally it's gonna fall into the line of emergency first responders, industrial warehouse environments, commercial applications, people that are snowplowing, anywhere where you need that increased visibility for the safety of everyone around you. Generally, in loud environments, you'll have some kind of visual cue like this to let you know that there's a truck moving about, so let's take a closer look at our light and see what is special about it. As far as our dimensions, we are right at 4 3/4 diameter, and as far as our height, we're right at 4 11/16 tall. So as far as that, it's gonna fit pretty well on top of your vehicle. Another thing that's kind of cool is the fact that it is J845 compliant, meaning that you're gonna be able to get light from your unit all the way around it from all sides, but it still maintains California Title 13 compliance, so you don't have to worry about your LED lights affecting people or wildlife around you. more
11/12/2024 11:20:27 AM
A Closer Look at the Optronics Strobe Warning Red Light- Video
How's it going neighbors This is Ed here with and today we're gonna take a look at the Optronics Warning Light in red. Our light is rated J845, and what that means is that it's gonna be a light where you have 360 degrees around it where it can emit light. And they're able to get that done at the same time as having the Title 13 compliance from California, whereas it's not gonna interfere with anyone around the area or wildlife. So, it's gonna work functionally super bright at the same time being compliant. So, it's gonna give you a lot of flexibility. You have 11 different settings as far as how it pulses and strobes, including the off position as well. more
11/12/2024 11:09:55 AM
A Closer Look at the Optronics Strobe Warning Green Light- Video
How's it going, neighbors This is Ed here with, and today we're gonna take a look at the Optronics Warning Light in green. This guy is an LED light and it's gonna be super compliant, so let's get some information about it out for you. As far as the spread of the light around it is actually J845-compliant, so that means that this is gonna be a device where you have 360 degrees of illumination coming from the light itself. At the same time, it's also California Title 13-compliant, meaning that it's gonna not interfere with wildlife or people around the light, so it's gonna cover your base for both of those things. You have a Power button and a Select button, so a momentary switch that's gonna allow you to toggle through the different settings here. You're gonna have 11 settings, including an off position setting, and that's gonna allow you to make that work for you. more
11/12/2024 11:04:34 AM
A Closer look at the Optronics Strobe Warning Blue Light- Video
How's it going neighbors This is Ed here with and today we're taking a look at the Optronics warning light in blue. As far as our casing, this guy is gonna be a self-contained unit. It's completely sealed, and it's also shielded against electromagnetic interference. So as far as the way that this guy's gonna mount, with the magnetic mount, on the rooftop of the F-150 I'm using today, it's not magnetic, and some other vehicles may encounter that same issue. If that is the case, you can add a magnetic bracket to your rooftop to be able to just throw this guy on or off, or go with the permanent mount solution. As far as our sealed system here, this guy actually has a IP67 rating, so that means it's gonna be able to withstand water jets, water hoses, as well as small solid debris, even those small pieces of debris that are smaller than you can see with your eyes. more
11/12/2024 11:02:49 AM
A Closer Look at the Optronics Low Profile Strobe Warning Amber Light- Video
How's it going, neighbors This is Ed here with And today, we're gonna take a look at our low profile warning light from Optronics in amber. This exact same light is available in a permanent mount where it's gonna come with three mounting screws and a pigtail on it that's eight inches long. You're gonna have your three connections for your power ground and switch. Installation's super easy. You're gonna be able to just plug into any available 12-volt outlet on your vehicle, and it'll get you the power you need. more
11/12/2024 11:02:03 AM
Review of Optronics Emergency Vehicle Lights - Rectangle Clear - OPT23AB- Video
Hello, neighbors, Steven here with Let's take a look at our Optronics LED directional warning light in clear or white color, with 18 flash pattern options. Now, folks, this is what we call a permanent mount, so this has some screws included that you would mount it flush on the outside of a vehicle, trailer, and whatnot. Now, I didn't wanna caution you before we go any farther, there's gonna be some light flashing sequences and strobing throughout the video later on. I will warn you when we get to those parts. So, if you are susceptible to those kind of things and they bother your eyes, just turn away, pause it, fast forward, whatever you need to do at that time. more
10/11/2024 11:22:43 AM
Review of Optronics Emergency Vehicle Lights - Rectangle Amber and Clear - OPT55AB- Video
Hello, neighbors. Steven here with Let's take a look together at our Amber and Clear Optronics LED Directional Warning Lights with 18 different flash patterns. Now folks, this is a permanent mount light. And I do wanna caution you, later on this video, we're gonna have some flashing light patterns and strobe patterns that I will demo. So if you're susceptible to those kind of things, make sure you turn it off, or look away, or pause the video at that time. more
10/11/2024 11:15:42 AM
Review of Optronics Emergency Vehicle Lights - Rectangle Amber and Red - OPT35AB- Video
Hello, neighbors. Steven here with Let's take a look together at our Optronics LED Directional Warning Light with 18 different flash patterns in an Amber and Red Combo. Now folks, I wanna caution you, later on in this video, I'm gonna have flashing light sequences and strobe sequences. So if that kind of stuff message with you, please feel free to turn off the video now, or pause it or fast forward it later on when we get to that part. I will give you a heads up once we get to that part. more
10/11/2024 11:08:34 AM
Review of Optronics Emergency Vehicle Lights - Rectangle Amber and Blue - OPT45AB- Video
Hello, neighbors. Steven here with Let's take a look at our Optronics LED Directional Warning Light. It's got 18 flash patterns, it's a permanent mount and it's a nice amber and blue color combo. Now, folks, I want to caution you later on this video demo, they're gonna have some flashing lights and strobes. So if you are susceptible to those kinda things, please turn it off or fast forward it at that time. more
10/11/2024 11:01:55 AM
Review of Optronics Emergency Vehicle Lights - Rectangle Amber and Red - OPT62AB- Video
Hello, neighbors. Steven here with Thanks for joining me while we take a look together at our Optronics LED directional warning light with 18 flash patterns, and it's an amber and red color combo. Now folks, I do wanna caution you from the start of the video here, you're gonna see some strobing and flashing light sequences later on in the video when we demo this with the lights off. So if you're susceptible to those kind of things, please stop the video now, or I will warn you later before we get into that and you can pause, stop, fast forward as needed at that time. So getting into it, a nice compact amber and red, three amber, three red directional LED warning light. more
10/11/2024 10:18:02 AM
Review of Optronics Emergency Vehicle Lights - Rectangle Amber and Blue - OPT82AB- Video
Hello, neighbors, Steven here with Let's take a look together at our Optronics LED Directional Warning Light with 18 different flash patterns in a nice amber and blue combo. Now, folks, I wanna warn you, we will have some strobing and flashing sequences later on this video as I demo this, so if you are susceptible to those kinda things, please shut the video off now or fast forward when I get to that part. I will give you a heads up when I get there, and then you can stop at that point as well. So, getting into it, this nice, compact, sturdy polycarbonate lens with aluminum housing is gonna be super strong and durable and weather-resistant. As you can see, it's got a foam gasket here for install and the two included screws. more
10/11/2024 10:10:58 AM
Review of Optronics Emergency Vehicle Lights - Rectangle Amber and Green - OPT22AB- Video
Hello neighbors, Steven here with Let's take a look together at our Optronics LED directional warning light with 18 different flash patterns. This particular one is amber and green combo. Now folks, just a warning, there will be some flashing light sequences and strobe sequences later on in this demo video. I will warn you when we get to that part, so you can then stop, fast forward, pause, or whatever you need to do at that point. This is a nice compact amber and green LED light. more
10/11/2024 10:04:15 AM
Review of Optronics Emergency Vehicle Lights - Rectangle Clear - OPT92AB- Video
Hello neighbors, Steven here with Let's look at our Optronics LED directional warning light in a nice, clear or white color. It's got 18 different flash patterns and it's what we call a permanent mount. Now folks, I wanna caution you later on in this video demonstration, I will be turning off my overhead lights and doing some flash pattern demonstration here. So if you are susceptible to flashing or strobing lights, please stop the video now or later on whenever I warn you. That way you don't have to worry about that. more
10/11/2024 9:54:03 AM
Review of Optronics Emergency Vehicle Lights - Rectangle Blue - OPT85AB- Video
Hello neighbors, Steven here with Let's take a look at our Optronics blue LED directional warning light. It's got 18 different flash patterns and it is a nice permanent mount. Now folks, if you are susceptible to flashing lights, strobing patterns, those kind of things, we are gonna have a demonstration later on in this video where I shut the lights off and demo this in the nighttime. So just bear with me on that. I will let you know when it comes and then you can turn the video off or fast forward if needed. more
10/11/2024 9:33:47 AM
Review of Optronics Emergency Vehicle Lights - Rectangle Clear - OPT75AB- Video
Hello, neighbors and friends. Steven here with Let's take a look together at our permanent mounting Optronics LED Directional Warning Light in a nice, clear or white color. Now folks, this has 18 different flash patterns. I do wanna caution you if you are susceptible to flashing lights, strobing, those kind of things. We will be doing a demo later on this video with the lights off. more
10/11/2024 9:26:28 AM
Review of Optronics Emergency Vehicle Lights - Rectangle Green - OPT52AB- Video
Hello, neighbors. Steven here with Let's take a look at our Optronics LED Directional Warning Lights. It's got 18 flash patterns. It's a permanent mount and green color. So, right folks, it is a compact green directional light. more
10/11/2024 9:19:03 AM
Review of Optronics Emergency Vehicle Lights - Rectangle - OPT25AB- Video
Hello, neighbors and friends, Steven here with Let's take a look at our Optronics LED Directional Warning Light. And this has 18 different flash patterns and it is red color. Now folks, I wanna caution you from the front here we're gonna be doing some lights off and going through these 18 flash patterns with strobes. A lot of 'em are highly, highly fast strobe lights. So if you are susceptible to flashing and strobing lights, please either stop the video now, fast forward at that part, I'll let you know whenever it's coming up. more
10/11/2024 9:08:54 AM
Review of Optronics Emergency Vehicle Lights - Rectangle - OPT28AB- Video
Hello, neighbor. Steven here with Let's take a look together at our amber and clear Optronics LED strobe light. It's a surface mount with 54 different flash patterns to choose from. Now folks, this will be a demonstration today with multiple flashing lights and strobe patterns. So if you are susceptible to those kind of lights, you need to make sure you either stop the video now or fast forward when we get to that part. more
10/11/2024 8:56:55 AM
Review of Optronics Emergency Vehicle Lights - Rectangle - OPT93AB- Video
Hello, neighbor, Steven here with Let's take a look together at our Optronics LED amber and blue strobe light. It's a surface mount with 54 amazing flash patterns. Now folks, I wanna caution you, later on in this video, I'm gonna be doing some demos with the lights off and the strobe functions alternating different patterns. So if you're susceptible to those kind of things, please either stop the video now, I will let you know later on when we get to that part, and at that point you can either shut it off or fast forward as needed as well. So, folks, getting into it, a nice amber and blue low-profile strobe light is gonna alert other drivers and pedestrians to the presence of your service vehicle, trailer, whatever you've got this mounted on. more
10/11/2024 8:50:05 AM
Review of Optronics Emergency Vehicle Lights - Rectangle - OPT53AB- Video
Hello neighbors, Steven here with Let's take a look at our Optronics LED amber and red strobe light. It's a surface mount and it's got 54 different flash pattern options. Now folks, I want to caution you up front later on in this demo we're gonna have the lights off and some strobe and flash patterns being demoed. So if that's not your cup of tea or your susceptible to those kind of things, make sure you stop the video at that point or fast forward as needed for your personal preferences. I will let you know before we get into that. more
10/11/2024 8:48:57 AM
Review of Optronics Emergency Vehicle Lights - Rectangle - OPT88AB- Video
Hello, neighbors and friends. Steven here with Let's take a look at our Optronics LED Strobe Surface Light Mount with 54 flash patterns of clear white color. Now folks, this is a nice, clear, low profile strobe, and it will alert other drivers and pedestrians to the presence of your service vehicle, or implement or whatever you wanna put it on. It is designed to fit in tight spaces. It is three eighths of an inch thick, two and a half inches long, two inches on center on the man holes, and two and one 16th inches tall. more
10/11/2024 8:31:18 AM
Review of Optronics Emergency Vehicle Lights - Rectangle - OPT78AB- Video
Hello neighbors, Steven here with Let's take a look at our Optronics LED strobe light. It's a surface mount with 54 flash patterns and an amber color. Now folks, I wanna caution you later on in this demo we're gonna have the lights off and some flashing strobe patterns here on the demo. So if you're susceptible to flashing lights and those kind of things, please turn the video off at that time. I'll let you know when we get there. more
10/11/2024 8:22:06 AM
Review of Optronics Emergency Vehicle Lights - Amber LED Directional Warning Light - OPT83AB- Video
Hi everybody. Andy here with Let's take a look together at this Optronics amber LED directional warning light. This compact amber directional light for your vehicle is going to provide a warning signal to increase safety. A light like this is going to be great for towing, plowing, transportation, warehouse, and agricultural applications just to name a few. And this meets the SAE-J5954 Class 1 vehicles. more
10/10/2024 3:05:42 PM
Hi, everybody, Andy here with Let's take a real quick look at this Optronics low profile amber LED strobe warning light. Now this amber strobe beacon light for your vehicle is going to provide a warning signal to increase safety. A light like this is going to be ideal for emergency, towing, plowing, transportation, warehouse, and agricultural applications. Just to name a few scenarios. This is SAE J845 Class I approved for emergency applications. more
10/10/2024 2:06:19 PM
Hi everybody. Andy here with Let's take a look at this Optronics low-profile, clear LED strobe warning light. Now this clear strobe beacon light for your vehicle is going to give you a warning signal to help increase safety. This is gonna be great for emergency, towing, plowing, transportation, warehouse, and agricultural applications. Just to name a few applications that this would be good for. more
10/10/2024 1:55:05 PM
Hi everybody. Andy here with Let's take a real quick look at this Optronics low profile clear LED strobe warning light. Now this clear strobe beacon light for your vehicle is going to give a warning signal to help increase safety. This is going to be ideal for emergency towing, plowing, transportation warehouse, and agricultural applications just to name a few. This is SAEJ 845 class one approved for emergency applications, and this has the California Title 13 class B certification. more
10/10/2024 1:16:25 PM
Hi, everybody, Andy here with Let's take a look at this Optronics Low-Profile Amber LED Strobe Warning Light. Now, this amber strobe beacon light for your vehicle is going to give you a warning signal to help increase safety. This is going to be ideal for emergency, towing, plowing, transportation, warehouse, and other agricultural applications, and this light is SAE JA45, Class 1-approved for emergency applications, and this has the California Title 13, Class B certification. So, as you can see, I do have this connected to power right now, and I'm using one of the patterns here at the offset. Now, I do wanna warn you that I'm going to shut my lights off here and go through the patterns, so if you are sensitive to flashing light, just be aware. more
10/10/2024 12:58:57 PM
Review of Optronics Emergency Vehicle Lights - Round LED Clear Strobe - OPT68AB- Video
Hello, neighbors. Steve here with Let's take a look at our Optronics round LED strobe light. It's a surface mount with 12 different flash patterns in a nice clear or white color. So, folks, this is a round clear strobe light. It'll alert other drivers of your presence, and you can put it on like a service vehicle, agricultural, those kind of things. more
10/10/2024 9:09:04 AM
Review of Optronics Emergency Vehicle Lights - Round LED Amber Strobe - OPT48AB- Video
Hello, neighbor, Steven here with Let's take a look at our Optronics Round LED Strobe Light. It's a surface mount and it's gonna give you 12 different flash patterns of amber light. Now, folks, this round amber strobe light will alert other drivers and pedestrians to the presence of your service vehicle, and it can be installed in either the vehicle headlights or taillights. It is great for work trucks, construction vehicles, those kinda things, and once again, the 12 flash patterns or even just a steady on offer versatile lighting to fit your application. Now, it is a four-wire pigtail. more
10/10/2024 8:56:54 AM
Review of Optronics Emergency Vehicle Lights - LED Green Strobe Warning Light - OPT36AB- Video
Hello neighbors and friends, Steven here with Let's take a look together at our Optronics green strobe warning light with LEDs. So folks, I do wanna caution from the beginning here, later on when we hook this up and demo, you're gonna see some flashing light sequences and strobes, so if you are susceptible to those kind of flashing lights, please turn off the video at that point, or pause it or fast forward as needed, I will warn you when we get to that spot. Now getting into it, this is a clear polycarbonate lens with a aluminum sealed housing, it's super durable, it's water and weather resistant It'll have an 18-inch-long three-wire system that'll be connected to the battery or a hardwired into your vehicle. Now, it is a green LED inside of there that you'll see later, it's very bright, very vibrant. This would be ideal for like emergencies, maybe towing construction, plowing, transportation, warehouse use, and even agricultural uses. more
10/10/2024 8:33:04 AM
Review of Optronics Emergency Vehicle Lights - Amber LED Strobe Warning Light - OPT79AB- Video
Hello, neighbors, Steven here with Let's take a look at our Optronics Amber Strobe Warning Light. It's gonna be LED, and it's gonna run on 12 to 24 volts of power. Now, folks, I do wanna caution you up front, later on in the demo we're gonna have some light flashes and strobe sequences, so I will warn you when we get close to that, but if you are susceptible to those kinda things, I'll let you know before we start those and you can pause or turn away as needed. So, getting into it, folks, a nice polycarbonate amber LED strobe warning light. You got 10 different strobe patterns, and this is a great addition maybe for emergency uses, maybe you got a towing company or you have a construction business, whatnot. more
10/10/2024 8:25:27 AM
Review of Optronics Emergency Vehicle Lights - Clear LED Strobe Warning Light - OPT89AB- Video
Hello, neighbors and friends, Steven here with Let's take a look at our Optronics strobe warning light. It's gonna be a LED clear or white permanent mount. Now folks, I do wanna caution you later on this video, on the demo side, there's gonna be some flashing light sequences. So if you're susceptible to those kind of things, make sure you pause it or turn off the video. I'll make sure to let you know right before we get into that. more
10/10/2024 7:53:05 AM
Review of Optronics Emergency Vehicle Lights - Red LED Strobe Warning Light - OPT29AB- Video
Hello neighbors. Steven here with Let's take a look at our Optronics Strobe Warning Light. It's an LED red permanent mount. Now folks, later on there will be some flashing strobe lights. So I just wanna warn you ahead of time. more
10/9/2024 2:39:34 PM
Review of Optronics Emergency Vehicle Lights - Blue LED Strobe Warning Light - OPT56AB- Video
Hello neighbors, Steven here with Let's take a look at our Optronics Strobe Warning Light in a blue LED permanent mount. Now, I will caution you, you're gonna see some white flashing sequences later on in this video, so if you're susceptible to those kind of things, make sure you pause it before we get to there. I will remind you before we go into that. Now folks, this blue strobe beacon light is gonna be great for your vehicle and providing a warning signal to increase safety. It's ideal for emergencies, towing, plowing, transport, warehouse uses, agriculture applications. more
10/9/2024 2:32:03 PM
Review of Optronics Emergency Vehicle Lights - LED Blue Strobe Warning Light - OPT76AB- Video
Hello, neighbors and friends. Steven here with Let's take a look at our Optronics LED Strobe Warning Light in a nice blue color, magnetic base, and ran on 12 volts or 24. Folks, I do wanna caution you up front, there's gonna be some flashing-light sequences later on while I demo this in the dark, so just be prepared for that. Be ready to pause it. I'll let you know before we get going on that. more
10/9/2024 2:01:02 PM
Review of Optronics Emergency Vehicle Lights - LED Amber Strobe Warning Light - OPT96AB- Video
Hello neighbors, Steven here with Let's take a look together at Optronics Strobe Warning Light. It's gonna be an LED, 12 volt RAM, amber color with a magnetic base. And folks, wanna caution you later on in this video demo, we're gonna have some flashing lights. So if you're susceptible to those kind of things, please make sure you pause it. I'll warn you when we get to that point as well. more
10/9/2024 1:52:48 PM
Review of Optronics Emergency Vehicle Lights - LED Clear White Strobe Warning Light - OPT46AB- Video
Hello, neighbors and friends. Steven here with Let's take a look at our Optronics strobe warning light. It is a 12-volt LED clear or a white color and a magnetic mount. I do wanna caution you folks, there will be some flashing light sequences later on whenever I demo it with the lights off. So just keep that in mind. more
10/9/2024 1:40:52 PM
Review of Optronics Emergency Vehicle Lights - LED Strobe Warning Light Green - OPT86AB- Video
Hello neighbors, Steve here with Let's take a look together at Optronics Strobe Warning Light, and it's gonna be a 12 volt power in green color, LED with a magnetic base mount. And folks wanna caution you later on in this video demo, we're gonna have some flashing lights. So if you're susceptible to those kind of things, please stop the video now or pause it right before we start. I'll warn you again when we get closer to that. Now, this green strobe beacon light is gonna be great for your vehicle. more
10/9/2024 1:32:49 PM
Review of Optronics Emergency Vehicle Lights - LED Strobe Warning Light Red - OPT66AB- Video
Hello neighbors, Steven here with Let's take a look at our Optronics strobe warning light. It's an SAE Class 1J845, and it's an LED ran with 12 volts or 24 volts, and it's a simple plugin magnetic mount. Now, I do want to caution you folks, we're gonna have some flashing lights later on in the video, so if you're susceptible to those kind of photo things, then make sure you turn away or pause it or stop as needed. Now, the red stroke light beacon for your vehicle has a nice magnetic base on it. Very strong, very sturdy. more
10/9/2024 1:24:51 PM
Hi, everybody. Andy here with Let's take a real quick look at this amber LED oval warning light. Now, this oval LED warning light is going to provide a triple flash strobe, as you can see here, to alert other drivers to your presence. And then it also has a double flash or a double strobe. Let me see if I can activate that there for you. more
9/24/2024 1:41:49 PM
Hi, everybody, Andy here with Let's take a look together at this Peterson white LED double flash pattern strobe beacon light. Now, this strobe light is going to fit on your vehicle and it's going to give a warning signal to help increase safety. And a light like this is going to be great for towing vehicles, plowing vehicles, vehicles that are used on the transportation department for a town or city, warehouse vehicles, and even agricultural applications. Now, this does feature, as you can clearly see here, a double pattern flash, and it's displayed at 360 degrees. And let me go ahead and shut my lights off here in the studio real quick just so you can see what this is going to look like in low light or dark conditions. more
8/19/2024 11:45:22 AM
Hi, everybody. Andy here with Let's take a look together at this Peterson White LED Single Flash Pattern Strobe Beacon Light. Now, this strobe light is going to fit your vehicle, and it's going to give a warning signal to help increase safety. And a light like this is going to be ideal for towing vehicles, plowing vehicles, vehicles used on the transportation department, warehouse vehicles, and even some agricultural applications. So as you can clearly see, this does feature a single flash pattern that's going to be displayed at 360 degrees. more
8/19/2024 11:17:43 AM
Hi everybody, Andy here with Let's take a brief look at this Peterson, Amber, LED double flash pattern strobe beacon light. Now this strobe light for your vehicle is going to give a warning signal to help increase safety. A light like this is going to be ideal for towing, plowing vehicles, transportation department vehicles, warehouse use, and even agricultural vehicles. Now this does feature, as you can clearly see, a double flash pattern that's displayed at 360 degrees. And let me go ahead and just briefly shut my lights off so you can get a better idea of what this is going to look like in low light or darker conditions, so you can see it at a closeup with no lights on. more
8/19/2024 9:32:40 AM
Hi, everybody. Andy here with Let's take a look together at this Peterson amber LED single flash pattern strobe beacon light. Now, this strobe light for your vehicle is going to give a warning signal to help increase safety and this is going to be great for use on towing vehicles, plowing vehicles, transportation vehicles for the city, maybe, warehouse use, and agricultural applications. Now, as you can see, this light does feature a single flash pattern that's displayed at 360 degrees. And let me go ahead and shut my studio lights off here just so you get a better idea of what this is going to look like in low light or dark conditions. more
8/19/2024 9:13:58 AM
Review of the LED Strobe Light- Video
Hi everybody. Andy here with Let's take a look together at this LED Strobe Light. Now this oval strobe light is going to alert other drivers and pedestrians to the presence of your service vehicle, and this is gonna be a great addition to your tow truck, semis, snow plows and box trucks, just the name a few trucks that this will be great on. This is going to feature a nine flash strobe pattern and let me go ahead and see if I can go through those patterns for you. So I'm gonna go back out to my wide view here. more
7/15/2024 12:33:49 PM
4-1/4" Round LED Strobe Light Review- Video
Hello everybody, this is Jeff at Today, we're gonna take a look at this 4-1/14 inch round recess mount amber LED strobe light with the dual flash function. Now, this is a low-profile amber strobe light. It's to alert other drivers and pedestrians to the presence of your service vehicle. It is designed to fit into tight spaces. And this light is great for emergency vehicles, work trucks, and trailers. more
4/29/2024 9:27:53 AM
Detailed Breakdown of the Blazer LED Off-Road Warning Light Bar- Video
Hi everyone. Aiden here at e-trailer. Today we're gonna be taking a look at this Blazer Off-Road LED Light Bar. This is gonna offer you a really wide variety of light with a mixed beam output giving you light directly in front of the vehicle and off to the sides with a variety of different lighting options. Let's check it out. So this is a 22 inch light bar, so you're gonna have to find some space where it'll fit. more
11/28/2023 1:49:31 PM