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Set up: Convert-A-Ball Dual-Cushioned, Adjustable Ball Mount on a 2012 Jeep Liberty Video

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Review of the Convert-A-Ball Dual-Cushioned Adjustable Ball Mount on a 2012 Jeep Liberty

Today our 2012 Jeep Liberty, well be test fitting the Convert-A-Ball dual-cushioned adjustable ball mount part number CAB-UM.Now before installing our ball mount, well first need to get our hitch height measurement. This is the measurement from the inside top edge of the receiver tube to the ground. Now on our vehicle, that measurement is 20 inches. Now keep in mind that measure can change due to… see more >     

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Employee Andrew K
Video Edited:
Andrew K
Employee Jacob T
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Jacob T
Employee Kathleen M
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Kathleen M
Employee Sue W
Video Edited:
Sue W
Employee Rick A
Test Fit:
Rick A
Employee Matthew K
Test Fit:
Matthew K
Employee Cole B
Test Fit:
Cole B
Employee Randy B
Test Fit:
Randy B

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