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A Closer Look at the Bearing Kit, 14125A/ 25580 Bearings, 10-36 Seal Video

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How to Install the TruRyde Bearing Kit

Speaker 1: Today we'll be having a look TruRyde Bearing Kit, with a 141125A and a 25580 bearing and a 10-36 seal, part number BK3-200.Here's what our bearing kit comes with. We'll have our new inner bearing, our new inner bearing race. We'll have our new outer bearing, our new outer bearing race. We also have our new seal and a new cotter pin. So, instead of buying your bearings, your… see more >     

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Employee Jeff D
Installed by:
Jeff D
Employee Brent H
Installed by:
Brent H
Employee Joshua S
Video by:
Joshua S
Employee Dustin K
Video Edited:
Dustin K
Employee Chris R
Video Edited:
Chris R

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