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Hey Gerry, we actually have a single axle version of the part #K71-724-02 with the part #DX56CR.
view full answer...Increasing the tire and wheel size can increase the height of the trailer but it's usually quite minimal. Before you do anything else you should see if the pin box can be adjusted. Although you have to be careful here since This will lower…
view full answer...I was able to identify your axle thanks to the tag you sent in and Dexter's help and found that the lift kit you'd need would be the Torflex Lift Kit - Single Axle - 2-5/8" Lift #K71-707-01.
view full answer...I can absolutely confirm the correct lift kit for your trailer. Based on your photos, you do in fact have a #10 Torflex axle, and they are compatible with the lift kits because you do not have 3" high-profile brackets (which just means the…
view full answer...A Torflex Lift Kit #K71-723-01 or #K71-707-02 will get you a lift of 2-5/8". The correct one for your application will depend on your axle. The Torflex Lift Kit #K71-723-01 is for a number 9 Torflex axle and has bolt holes that are 7-3/4"…
view full answer...Sounds like you need 6 foot safety chains for use on your trailer that is using the Fulton Fold-Away Coupler Hinge Kit for 3" x 3" Tongue - Bolt On - Up to 5,000 lbs #FHDPB330301. We have the perfect option for 5k rated chains of that…
view full answer...It looks like you're likely trying to replace your hubs/drums on your Dexter axle and I do believe that the "0100" you found on the spec plate actually reads "D100" since that was one of the models that Dexter had for this…
view full answer...The "P12 Fremont" simply refers to where the axle is made and does not give any other type of information; you will need to know the specific type of Dexter Torflex axle you have in order to get the correct lift kit. Based on the GVWR of…
view full answer...The Dexter Torflex Lift Kit #K71-707-02 referenced in your question is designed for the #10 Torflex axle with a 2,300 to 4,000 pound capacity. As you mentioned, the lift kit cannot be used with Torflex axles that use a 3 inch high profile bracket.…
view full answer...Catalytic heaters like the #CAM57331 Wave 3 do indeed put out moisture as a byproduct of the heating process, it's unavoidable with that type of heater. After doing some research, I've found that the best bet to keeping a large part of the…
view full answer...I have a great alternative for you. I reached out to my tech at Dexter Axle with your provided serial number (thank you!). He confirmed that the Torflex Lift Kit - Single Axle - 2-5/8" Lift #K71-723-01 is not compatible with the specs on your…
view full answer...The Dexter Axle Torflex axles are basically broken up into the following categories: #9 - 1,000 - 2,200 lb #10 - 2,300 - 4,000 lb #11 - 4,100 - 6,000 lb #12 - 5,500 - 7,200 lb Based off of your 2004 R-Vision Trail-Lite Model 8306S being a tandem axle…
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