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Wiring Umbilical Included With Roadmaster # RM-576 Sterling Tow Bar  


Im about to purchase a sterling tow bar. I currently have a standard 6 wire plug on the motorhome to a flat 4 wire on the tow vehicle. The cord wasnt long enough so there is a 4 flat to 4 flat extension in the middle. Is there some adapter to make this work with the 6 wire wiring that comes with the tow bar or would it be better just to remove that from the tow bar and make the one I have work with the tow bar? Thanks


Expert Reply:

The Roadmaster Sterling All Terrain Towbar, part # RM-576 includes a female 6-pin plug that would mount to the vehicle being flat towed, so the 6-way umbilical included with the Sterling tow bar would work great for your 2014 CR-V. The wire is 78 inches long, which should be plenty long enough so that no extensions should be needed. The Sterling tow bar provides a channel on the tow bar for the wire to run through, for a clean look and to also provide protection for the wiring.

I'll link you to some of our flat towing articles that you might find helpful.

expert reply by:
Mike L
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