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Can Optronics 5-Way # A25W5B Wire to Wishboned Trailer Wiring  


Hi, I have a Boat Trailer and I have a question about the part below. My Boat Trailer is an MFI trailer and it has the following 5-way harness setup 1-White, 2-Brown, 3-Brown, 4-Yellow, 5-Green, 6-Blue. 2 Brown and 5 Green come together and 3 Brown and 4 Yellow come together. Would the following part number work as a replacement?


Expert Reply:

Hey Zen, it sounds like your wiring has what's called "wishbone" circuits where a wire goes to each side of the wiring to control both sides. This is pretty common and the part # A25W5B that you referenced can work with this. You'd just need to match up the correct wishboned circuits and run it to the single wire of the 5-way.

expert reply by:
Jameson C

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