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Wiring Harness for Installing HA81725 Hayes Synchronizer Brake Controller on 1998 Ford E350 Van  


Where can I find wiring harness for my 1998 Ford E350 Club Wagon to be connected to Hayes 81725 Syncronizer Brake Control? My van has factory tow wiring under dash. Thank you.


Expert Reply:

We offer the Ford-specific Hayes brake controller wiring harness as part # HA81783-HBC. One end of the harness plugs into the connector under the dash, the other plugs into the pigtail exiting the rear of the Hayes # HA81725 Synchronizer brake controller.

The brake control connector on your E-series van is located either under the left side of the dash or next to the center console. It will be in the very corner where the floor board, firewall and the left kick panel come together. This connector is brown and will be taped to a larger harness just above the hood release cable

expert reply by:
Mike L

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