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Troubleshooting Intermittent Connection to Tekonsha P3 on Trailer With Frayed Wires In Junction Box  


I installed a P3 in my 2006 Dodge Ram 2500 and used the recommended harness. The controller works great until the trailer is moved. Then it will go to disconnect then reconnect maybe. Sometimes it just returns to the home screen. I have checked all the wiring and all tested ok. The brake controller works in manual mode. I have electric over hydraulic and the controller is set up correctly. I found that the ground in the junction box was only connected with four strands of wire factory cut off the rest could this be the problem? any input would be appreciated


Expert Reply:

Honestly, that's most likely the issue that you're experiencing with your Tekonsha P3 # 90195 and your Pollack # PK11893-11933. I would recommend that you reconnect everything on the trailer junction box and test it out again. You also may want to consider testing the trailer out with another vehicle to see if the same issues occur; this would at least give you some confirmation as to the issue being on the trailer as opposed to within the vehicle.

If this problem persists, just let me know and I can help you continue to troubleshoot.

expert reply by:
Erik B

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