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Troubleshooting Running Light Function on 2005 Boat Trailer Issue  


I have a 2005 KARA TL boat trailer and the driver side running lights dont work. Passenger side running lights, all brake lights, and turn signals work fine. Where should I start?


Expert Reply:

When the running lights don't work on one side of the trailer, you want to start at the ground wire connections. Often the lights are grounded to the trailer frame through the mounting hardware so you want to check each light and make sure the light is grounded correctly. Often they are chained together so a bad ground on the front end of that chain may keep power from getting further.

You can use a circuit tester like # PTW2992 to test if power is getting to each light. If not, you will need to replace wire where shorted. If you don't have a wishbone harness which has two wires coming out the trailer connector for each side of the frame, then you will need to run a jump wire from one side to the other to provide power.

expert reply by:
Jason S

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