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Will Draw-Tite Trailer Hitch from 1990 Ford F-350 Fit 1997 Ford F-150  


Will a Drawtight trailer from a 1990 Ford F-350 truck fit on a 1997 Ford F-150 Truck?


Expert Reply:

All of the Draw-Tite trailer hitches for a 1990 Ford F-350 will fit a 1997 Ford F-250 or F-350 but only certain ones will fit the 1997 Ford F-150, like part # 37130 for example. If you can verify which Draw-Tite trailer hitch part number you have you can either filter through the linked fitguide for a '97 F-150 or let me know and I can check it out so we can see if it is compatible or if you need to purchase a new trailer hitch.

Either way, if the trailer hitch you are looking to install was previously installed then you will need to hardware. You can acquire it at your local hardware store or through us by using the part # RHK and inputting your trailer hitch info prior to ordering.

expert reply by:
Jon G

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