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No Power to 12 Volt Lead on 7-Way for a 2003 Jeep Grand Cherokee  


I have a factory pre-wired 03 Jeep Grand Cherokee and after installing a brake controller and finding and connecting the factory wiring under the dash to a brake controller that I purchased from e trailer every thing works just fine except the 12v aux pin. Do i have to energize that circuit by ing a fuse into the fuse box or install a breaker and connect a factor wire to the battery. Please advise,


Expert Reply:

There are two fuse boxes on your 2003 Jeep Grand Cherokee, an interior and exterior. The interior fuse box has a 30 amp "Trailer Tow" fuse in the #18 slot which will need to be checked or added. There may also be a fuse associated with the trailer in the exterior fuse box so you will need to check this as well but the owner's manual did not give any specific locations so you will need to do this yourself.

If the fuse(s) are in place and not blown then you will need to begin tracing the 12 volt wire (usually black) back from the 7-way while checking for breaks. If none are found and you have reached the point where the wire is no longer visible then it would be best to run a lead directly to the battery with part # 10-1-1 (per foot) and part # 9510.

expert reply by:
Conner L

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