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Bike Rack Recommendation for 2017 BMW X6  


Dear I spoke with Brian earlier today he was very nice and helpful. I placed an order, #105843126. I just read about this hitch and have some concerns! We are leasing the vehicle and cannot cut the fascia, which is my concern. I wanted to make sure we had the correct cross tube so that we do not have the change the appearance of the rear bumper? Also, we have a Thule strap model bike rack, I wanted the tow hitch, so that we did not need to strap onto the car body, as our old X6 was chipped from the straps and hooks. Can you let me know if I have the wrong tow hitch, knowing that I dont want to cut the X6s rear fascia or need a strap to hook onto the car? Thank you!


Expert Reply:

The Curt hitch # 13077 is a fit for your 2017 BMW X6 but it will require in Curt's words, "noticeable fascia trimming" so it may not be your best solution since your vehicle is leased.

Since you do not want to trim or use a trunk rack a roof rack bike rack may be your only option.

We have the Thule Roof rack part # TH7501-TH7502 that will fit your factory roof rack raised rails and then for a bike rack the Thule # TH599000 would allow you to keep your front wheel on.

expert reply by:
Jameson C

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