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Replacement Roof Vent Seals for a 1969 Holiday Rambler  


The gaskets on the three roof vents are old and not keeping water out. Do you carry what we need? Thanks


Expert Reply:

I have a solution to your leaking roof vents. Unfortunately, we do not carry a replacement seal for your roof vents. I can give you two options that might work for your trailer.

First, is to replace the whole roof vent. For this we will need the measurements of the vent to make sure you can get the correct vent. Most of the standard vents that are installed in trailer measure 14-1/4 x 14-1/4 inches.

However, some older model trailers have had different size vents. In these cases, a replacement vent, like # V2092SP-28, would have to be installed by cutting the correct size hole to mount the new vent. An installation like this can be very labor intensive and many customers do not like the idea of cutting into the roof of their trailer.

The second option and I feel the easiest, would be to use a sealant, # 0160297. This sealant will allow you re-seal around the outside of your vents to provide new weatherproofing. You could disassemble your vents and re-seal all the contact points that vent touches on your roof. However, you will want to be very carful when taking the vents apart. The age of the vents plus the years of being in the elements may have made these vents fragile and weak.

We also have a sealant and hardware kit, # 344270KITW, available that includes new screws that can be used to replace missing hardware.

expert reply by:
Jared P

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