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for Trailer Hubs and Drums
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for Trailer Hubs and Drums
In order to determine the torque rating for the lug nuts on your trailer you will need to know check out the chart I attached that shows all of the torque specs for all the trailer lugs available based on stud size, wheel material and wheel size.
view full answer...To determine the size of the hub assembly you need to purchase you have to determine which bearings are in the old assembly. If the old assembly has L44649 inner bearings, you would use the hub you chose #8-258-5UC1. If the inner bearings are marked…
view full answer...Trailer wheel bearings are specific to the spindle that is installed on the axle that is on your trailer. You will need to safely support the trailer, remove the wheel and tire, remove the grease cap, remove the cotter pin and washer that secures the…
view full answer...Hi Hayden; that bolt pattern is really uncommon but I believe it can be found on some really old Airstream trailers. There are no modern replacements that will match. The best option is to replace the hub with one that has a common bolt pattern like…
view full answer...Even though I cannot comment specifically on the grease you used because I am not familiar with it, I can tell you the best grease for trailer bearings is a a grease with a rating of GC-LB, which just means it is made to withstand very high…
view full answer...To determine the size of the brake assemblies you need you have to measure the depth and width of the hub drum on the axle like what you see in the picture I attached. The most common size is 2-1/4 inch wide like the #T4071600-500 that you…
view full answer......440-2-1K for an idler hub. A BTR spindle would have dimensions of 1.06 inch for outer and inner bearing plus 1.50 inch where grease seal would install. That would require an idler hub part # AKIHUB-545-2...
view full answer...Hey Dan, The info you provided does tell us a bit about the axle but isn't enough to look up what components go with with it. With it being a 3,500lb axle it's probably a generic 3,500lb kit for the bearings and seals but I'd hate to not…
view full answer...The BTR and BT8 denotations refer to the spindle, not the trailer hub. The difference between a BTR and BT8 spindle is that the BTR spindle uses a 1.063" diameter L44649 bearing and the BT8 spindle uses a 0.99" diameter L44643 bearing. In…
view full answer......idler hub for an example. The part # AKIHUB-545-35-G-EZ-K is an idler hub that is rated for 3,500 lb axles. It has a Galvanized finish and uses a 5 on 4-1/2 inch bolt pattern for the wheels. It uses...
view full answer...Hi Rusty; the Dexter #84546UC3-EZ and etrailer #AKHD-5475-35-K will both fit a 3,500 lb axle but they have different bolt patterns. You already ordered the Dexter in the past so I'm assuming your wheels are 5 on 4-1/2. For the same bolt pattern…
view full answer...You will need to measure the diameter of the spindles where the seal and bearings ride. Check out the picture I attached that shows where this is. You will need an exact measurement so either a digital or dial caliper will be needed. To pick out the…
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for Trailer Hubs and Drums
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for Trailer Hubs and Drums
Expert Answers
for Trailer Hubs and Drums
In order to determine the torque rating for the lug nuts on your trailer you will need to know check out the chart I attached that shows all of the torque specs for all the trailer lugs available based on stud size, wheel material and wheel size.
view full answer...To determine the size of the hub assembly you need to purchase you have to determine which bearings are in the old assembly. If the old assembly has L44649 inner bearings, you would use the hub you chose #8-258-5UC1. If the inner bearings are marked…
view full answer...Trailer wheel bearings are specific to the spindle that is installed on the axle that is on your trailer. You will need to safely support the trailer, remove the wheel and tire, remove the grease cap, remove the cotter pin and washer that secures the…
view full answer...Hi Hayden; that bolt pattern is really uncommon but I believe it can be found on some really old Airstream trailers. There are no modern replacements that will match. The best option is to replace the hub with one that has a common bolt pattern like…
view full answer...Even though I cannot comment specifically on the grease you used because I am not familiar with it, I can tell you the best grease for trailer bearings is a a grease with a rating of GC-LB, which just means it is made to withstand very high…
view full answer...To determine the size of the brake assemblies you need you have to measure the depth and width of the hub drum on the axle like what you see in the picture I attached. The most common size is 2-1/4 inch wide like the #T4071600-500 that you…
view full answer......440-2-1K for an idler hub. A BTR spindle would have dimensions of 1.06 inch for outer and inner bearing plus 1.50 inch where grease seal would install. That would require an idler hub part # AKIHUB-545-2...
view full answer...Hey Dan, The info you provided does tell us a bit about the axle but isn't enough to look up what components go with with it. With it being a 3,500lb axle it's probably a generic 3,500lb kit for the bearings and seals but I'd hate to not…
view full answer...The BTR and BT8 denotations refer to the spindle, not the trailer hub. The difference between a BTR and BT8 spindle is that the BTR spindle uses a 1.063" diameter L44649 bearing and the BT8 spindle uses a 0.99" diameter L44643 bearing. In…
view full answer......idler hub for an example. The part # AKIHUB-545-35-G-EZ-K is an idler hub that is rated for 3,500 lb axles. It has a Galvanized finish and uses a 5 on 4-1/2 inch bolt pattern for the wheels. It uses...
view full answer...Hi Rusty; the Dexter #84546UC3-EZ and etrailer #AKHD-5475-35-K will both fit a 3,500 lb axle but they have different bolt patterns. You already ordered the Dexter in the past so I'm assuming your wheels are 5 on 4-1/2. For the same bolt pattern…
view full answer...You will need to measure the diameter of the spindles where the seal and bearings ride. Check out the picture I attached that shows where this is. You will need an exact measurement so either a digital or dial caliper will be needed. To pick out the…
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71 results
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$367.72 - $767.06
$486.50 - $486.50
$105.78 - $310.68
$105.78 - $310.68
$65.03 - $634.13
$105.45 - $620.95
$367.72 - $767.06