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Rumber 16" Wheel Chock - Recycled Rubber and Plastic - Qty 1

Rumber 16" Wheel Chock - Recycled Rubber and Plastic - Qty 1

Part Number: RM44FR
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Stop your parked trailer or RV from rocking and rolling with this heavy-duty wheel chock. Extra-sturdy, UV-resistant material is made of recycled rubber and plastic. Attach a rope or chain to the eyebolt and pull the chock out from under your wheel. Great Prices for the best wheel chocks from Rumber. Rumber 16" Wheel Chock - Recycled Rubber and Plastic - Qty 1 part number RM44FR can be ordered online at or call 1-800-940-8924 for expert service.
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Rumber Wheel Chocks - RM44FR

  • Trailer
  • Wheel Chock
  • Recycled Rubber/Plastic
  • Single Chock
  • Rumber
  • Black

Stop your parked trailer or RV from rocking and rolling with this heavy-duty wheel chock. Extra-sturdy, UV-resistant material is made of recycled rubber and plastic. Attach a rope or chain to the eyebolt and pull the chock out from under your wheel.


  • Heavy-duty wheel chock helps keep your trailer or RV from moving back and forth while it's parked
    • Also great for industrial, construction, or agricultural equipment
  • Made of completely solid, highly durable rubber and plastic
    • Resists UV damage and fading
    • Won't absorb water, mud, or chemicals, like gasoline or diesel
    • Composed of recycled materials
  • Extended length is great for dual-wheel setups
  • Ridged sides tightly grip your tire to limit rocking and rolling
  • Textured bottom keeps the chock from moving out of place
  • Eyebolt lets you attach a rope or chain (not included) so you can easily pull chock out from beneath your wheel
  • Black color


  • Chock dimensions: 16" long x 7-3/4" wide x 4-3/4" tall
  • Eyebolt inner diameter: 5/8"
  • Eyebolt outer diameter: 1-1/8"
  • Quantity: 1 chock
  • Limited lifetime warranty

Solid, Durable, and Environmentally Friendly Material

in use

This solid, heavy-duty wheel chock ensures that your trailer, camper, or even your tractor won't rock around while it's parked. The durable rubber and plastic compound that it's constructed from won't absorb fluids, like water or gasoline. And the material is UV resistant, so the chock won't crack or fade in the sun. And because the chock is made of recycled materials, you'll be doing your part to help the environment as well.

CH/4121-16 Rumber Wheel Chock with Eyebolt - Recycled Material - 16" Long

Video of Rumber 16" Wheel Chock - Recycled Rubber and Plastic - Qty 1

Videos are provided as a guide only. Refer to manufacturer installation instructions and specs for complete information.

Video Transcript for Complete Breakdown of the Rumber 16" Wheel Chocks w/ 3' Pull Chain

Adam: Hi, everyone. Adam with Today, we're going to be taking a look at some 16-inch long Rumber wheel chocks. You guys pretty much know what a wheel chock does. Basically, just makes your stuff not roll. So these 16-inch ones are going to be ideal for your dually setups.

As you can see here, they are going to come in either a single with a little loop on one end. We're going to get a three-foot chain and also the five-foot chain.With all the options that we have for the 16-inch wheel chock, I do think it's going to be ideal for either your dually Construction Trailers, your dually Trucks that you're pulling those trailers with, we have an RV here, and even your bigger big-rig trailers, as well. Let's just say you're on an incline or a decline and you just wanted to throw one underneath there, just to take all of that load off your transmission.Whenever you park, obviously your transmission is locking up your driveshaft making it to where it's not going to roll. But when you have a lot of weight, especially if you have a trailer or even a big RV like this, that's just a lot of strain we don't really need. To be able to just throw on one underneath there to be able to take some of that strain off the transmission, it's definitely going to help out.With the dually, it does pretty much cover almost all of the surface area of both of the tires, but it's not all the way.

We're still missing a couple inches on each side and that's just going to vary from, depending on what kind of size tires that you guys have. We do have a 20-inch version which would definitely cover all of those tire surface area. So, if that's something that you guys think you'll want, go ahead and check out the larger one.Since this is an RV, we will be staying in it for a couple of weekends so I think that it would be best for you guys to grab the 16 or 20-inchers. But, I think the three-foot chain is pretty much going to be the best for your guy's application. The fives are more so for those dual-axle dually trailers or whatever you may have.

But with this, we'll be able to just put them on each side, just like this, even if you're on an incline or decline, or even just on flat, we'll be able to do that just so whenever we're shifting and moving around inside of the RV here, it's not going to be putting that strain on the transmission. It'll just be chocked down, so nothing will move. I do think that's going to be the best choice for all you are RV'ers out there.For you truckers out there, depending on how spread apart your axles are and how big your tires are, this is the five-foot chain. It doesn't really reach all the way to the other side, as you can see, kind of maxed out. But, good thing about it is we can actually go ahead and just untighten this and we can actually take that off.

We can add links if we want, but if you guys don't really like the idea of the chains, it is kind of cold out here. So it just depends on wherever you guys are at. It isn't the nicest thing to go on your hands, to be honest. If you've got gloves, you'll be fine. But what you could do instead of doing the chain and adding links to meet that length requirement, you can actually just grab some single ones, just grab two, and you can actually just put some synthetic rope or something like that. So then it will be a little bit easier to get that length out of it and a little bit easier on your hands, as well.As of right now, this is the three-foot chain and we have a little bit of excess, but in comparison to the five-foot chain, we have a lot of excess. But one thing the five-chain could do that the three can't, let's just say that we don't want this trailer to roll that way. We really don't care about rolling that way. Well, let's just say we're on an incline or decline. With the five, we can actually go ahead and put a chock on the same side of both of our tires to give us double the amount of protection from any rolls or anything like that. So the one thing I would suggest though, as you can see, we don't really completely cover all of our tires completely. We do have a little bit larger one. It's 20-inches, and I think that one's going to be better for you truckers out there.Another thing to think about if you're a trucker or if you have a construction job and you're on the site by yourself or driving by yourself, I would suggest grabbing one with a chain just because then we can easily just grab both of them by ourselves, store them up somewhere, and then get on the road a little bit faster and it's going to be a little bit more efficient and the other thing really to think about is they look pretty professional. If you roll up and you have your trailer all chocked up with some good equipment, people are going to notice that. I always do, especially on construction sites as well, and you got to remember, you have to always look as professional as possible.You guys are going to have specific needs, so that's why we have a decent amount of different sizes and orientations of these chocks. So what we're going to do is go inside. We're going to go over all of those different options that you guys have. Then we'll come back out here again and go over some specs.So, these are all the wheel chocks that Rumber does have at etrailer, that we have available. There's going to be different sizes and of course, variations as well. We're going to have the eight-inch chocks. We're going to have the 12-inch chocks. We're going to have these 16-inch chocks, and of course the big old 20-inch chocks. We are going to have, obviously, just the ones in the single. It's going to have a little loop on one side, but then all of them are going to come with the variations of either a three-foot chain in between two of them or a five-foot chain in between both of them.So, it really just depends on what equipment you guys are working with for your single tire, smaller trailers. I do think we can get away with the eight-inch chock. With the 12-inch chock, it is going to be for maybe those wider tires on those single tire trailers that you guys may have and then we'll have the big sixteens. This is when we kind of get into the dually-type trailers or campers, whatever you may be storing somewhere, and you need them not to roll, obviously. And then of course we have the big boys. The big 20-inches, and these are mainly going to be for your massive dually trailers.Maybe you're even just at a campsite with an RV and you're not on concrete or gravel, so you're going to see a lot of sinkage. So with this, we're just going to have a lot more surface area to be able to put on the ground so they're not going to sink. There was a couple of times where I saw a couple chocks that we're kind of sunk into the ground on a construction site and I do believe that these will give you more surface area and prevent that from happening. But at the end of the day, it all just depends on what equipment you guys have and that will determine what chocks you need.But today what we're going to be doing is focusing solely on the assortment of 16-inch chocks. I bet you guys have used plenty of assorted objects for a chock in the past. I know I have. I've used a brick and I've used a big old block of wood here. But there definitely is going to be a benefit to get one of these. It's definitely going to be an upgrade from the non-chock wheel chocks.But also just some of the other ones I've been looking at, this one is relatively hollow. It's not really symmetrical. So as you drive up onto it, I do kind of see this, maybe, kind of wanting to tilt over and you kind of roll over it pretty easily. But on top of that, I do think this is a lot harder surface. So it's going to slide a little bit more and also just with the traction and the fact that it's kind of hollow and might actually start giving once you kind of start pushing the limits of it. I can see a couple of stress marks here and if this thing does decide to go, it might send a splinter up into your tire and that's something we don't want.And for the Rumber Chock, we are going to have a pretty symmetrical chock. So it isn't really going to want to, kind of, roll over like some of the other ones would, and also with the little rigid sides here, it's kind of like steps. So as your tire is going to be putting pressure on it, it's going to be trying to roll. But what it's going to do, it's going to hit these ridges here and really put some downward force onto the chock and with that in the bottom here, it is kind of textured a little bit, and it's going to be a little bit softer than some of the other chocks. It's definitely going to dig into the concrete and just make sure it's not going to slide or anything like that.Another thing to think about, I don't think the Rumber Chock is going to splinter up like this one does. It is made of recycled rubber and tires and plastic. So it's rubber on rubber. It's really not going to do any damage to your tires.Alrighty guys, durability tests. First up is our basic chock. Let's see if she holds up. All right, you're good.Durability test number two with the Rumber Chocks. Let's see how she holds up.Well, all good, Joe, thank you. Well, other than that, you can kind of see it. This one really didn't give it all. The other one kind of smashed down and kind of eventually, you know, rolled over like we expected. This one stayed put. It did climb it. It took a little bit more effort to do so, but this didn't compress whatsoever.So, we can't really see any signs of wear or deformation on this one. Just because the Rumber, it's honestly, it's a tank. It really is going to hold up to a lot of abuse. You don't really have to worry about it. This one is still intact, which impresses me, but there's a lot more stress cracks when it got compressed. This whole entire thing started moving, crinkling down. So now we're seeing a little bit more wear and that's just from that one roll over. You do that multiple times. They're probably going to get worse. But honestly, if you just want to have a one-stop shop and have a chock for a long, long, long, long time, the Rumber's definitely your better bet.A lot of you guys are asking if they really have that really, really strong rubber smell. Honestly, I know what you guys are talking about, but this isn't really that intense. It's not going to give you that big headache because it is recycled, which is a plus, and it just kind of keeps that smell down to a minimum. The width that we're going to have on all of our chocks are going to be about seven and three quarters of an inch wide and we are going to have about four and three quarter inches of height here.Also, it isn't going to absorb any of that water so you can keep it outside if you want, rain or shine. It is also UV resistant, so it's not going to fade over time and even with some of the fluids that you have with your tires and such, brake fluid is extremely corrosive, and it's not going to absorb that and it's not going to affect it either. That goes for also gas, diesel, oil, and of course water. So over time, I do think these things will hold up a lot better than some of the others that you may be looking at.All in all, if you guys are looking at these 16-inch chocks, you guys are kind of going to be in the wheelhouse of a dually setup. You guys could get away with the 20-inch chock. That's going to be great for the dually's as well. Just to give you a little bit more surface area on those tires. Also, hopefully, this video kind of answered some of your questions about how long of a chain should I use. Everything is going to be specific to your guy's needs and your guy's equipment. Whether it's just you're in an RV with your family for the weekend, or your dropping off a load off your truck. Or, of course, if you're on the construction site, I do believe that these are going to get the job done and definitely are going to be an upgrade to some of this.Again, I cannot iterate enough just the fact of whenever you're on a construction site or driving for somebody, looking professional and having the right equipment for your equipment is definitely going to be something that I would notice and something that you guys should, too. Other than that, this is pretty much all you really need to know about the 16-inch Recycled Plastic and Rubber Rumber Wheel Chock.

Customer Reviews

Rumber 16" Wheel Chock - Recycled Rubber and Plastic - Qty 1 - RM44FR

Average Customer Rating:  5.0 out of 5 stars   (2 Customer Reviews)

Stop your parked trailer or RV from rocking and rolling with this heavy-duty wheel chock. Extra-sturdy, UV-resistant material is made of recycled rubber and plastic. Attach a rope or chain to the eyebolt and pull the chock out from under your wheel.




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