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Plunger and Nylon Socket Door Holder - 2" Long Plunger

Plunger and Nylon Socket Door Holder - 2" Long Plunger

Part Number: DH605
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Trailer Door Holders
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Hold trailer doors open with ease by mounting one part to the door and the other to the side of your trailer. Creates 2" gap between trailer and door when in use. All metal parts are zinc plated to resist rust and corrosion. Great Prices for the best trailer door holders from Redline. Plunger and Nylon Socket Door Holder - 2" Long Plunger part number DH605 can be ordered online at or call 1-800-940-8924 for expert service.
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Redline Trailer Door Holders - DH605

  • Plunger and Socket
  • 2 Inch Plunger
  • Nylon
  • Redline

Hold trailer doors open with ease by mounting one part to the door and the other to the side of your trailer. Creates 2" gap between trailer and door when in use. All metal parts are zinc plated to resist rust and corrosion.


  • Can also be used on windows
  • Corrosion-resistant zinc plating


  • Plunger 2" long

DH605, Door Holder, 2 1/2" Stem and Nylon Socket

Video of Plunger and Nylon Socket Door Holder - 2" Long Plunger

Videos are provided as a guide only. Refer to manufacturer installation instructions and specs for complete information.

Video Transcript for The Low-Down on the Plunger and Nylon Socket Door Holder

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Plunger and Nylon Socket Door Holder - 2" Long Plunger - DH605

Average Customer Rating:  4.7 out of 5 stars   (215 Customer Reviews)

Hold trailer doors open with ease by mounting one part to the door and the other to the side of your trailer. Creates 2" gap between trailer and door when in use. All metal parts are zinc plated to resist rust and corrosion.























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As described, High quality


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  • Replacement Door Holder Plunger and Socket Options for a Hahn Heavy Rescue
    The plunger must be larger than the opening on the socket in order to hold it in place. With the Pivoting Door Holder Receiver # 37210635 having an opening slightly over 1/2" and your current socket measuring slightly under a 1/2", I would have to lean towards it not working because of the size difference. In my opinion, I would replace both the plunger and the socket to ensure that they are a good fit. - Plunger and Nylon Socket Door Holder # DH604 (1" long plunger) - Plunger and Nylon...
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  • Door Holder and Socket Replacement Parts
    Every steel socket and plunger we sell comes with a Zinc coating to help with corrosion. Zinc corrodes approximately 100 times slower than other metals because it develops a thin gray oxide film which inhibits deeper oxidation. We sell replacement parts for the plunger and for the socket together or separately and in different sizes. I've listed a plunger and socket set for you as an example below: Plunger and Nylon Socket Door Holder - 2" Long Plunger Item # DH605.
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  • Could Nylon Plunger and Sockets # DH604 and # DH605 Fit 2007 Winnebago View
    The plunger and sockets part numbers # DH604 and # DH605 are a very universal design that would work great on your 2007 Winnebago View.
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  • Will a Plunger that is 19/32" in Diameter Fit with the Replacement Nylon Socket # DH600S
    Since the hole diameter of the Replacement Nylon Socket # DH600S 1/4" I recommend just getting the whole kit to ensure they work together properly. We have part # DH604 which has a 1" long plunger and part # DH605 which has a 2" long plunger.
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  • Available Plunger and Nylon Socket Door Holder
    The # DH604 and # DH605 come with both the plunger and the nylon socket, which is where the difference between the part you've linked and the parts you're referencing on our site. These are sold as sets of 1. The Replacement Nylon Socket for DH604 and DH605 # DH600S is available if you're just looking for the nylon socket and not the hardware/plunger, which is also sold singularly.
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  • Distance between Mounting Holes of Plunger and Nylon Socket Door Holder # DH605
    The distance between the mounting holes of the # DH605 is 1-1/4 inches and the holes are 3/16 inch in diameter.
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  • What Size Does the Plunger Need To Be To Use the Replacement Nylon Socket
    The diameter of the plunger that the Replacement Nylon Socket part # DH600S is designed to fit will be around 1/2" give or take 1/8". The plunger must be larger than the opening on the socket in order to hold it in place. That said, in order to make sure you get an exact fit it would be best to just replace both the socket and plunger with part # DH604 for 1" or part # DH605 or 2".
    view full answer...
  • Door Holder For Trailer Entrance Door
    I'm not 100 percent sure what you mean by "cylinder" though we do have some door holders for your trailer's entrance door. These partss are add-ons, however, as opposed to replacement parts: - C-Clip Door Holder - Polar White: 3" # 37210204 or 5-1/2" # 37210374 - C-Clip Door Holder - Zinc Plated Steel: 3" # 37210535 - Plunger and Nylon Socket Door Holder: 1" Long Plunger # DH604 or 3" Long Plunger # DH605 I have added links to video reviews for you to check out as well.
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  • Holding Trailer Doors Open Using Plungers or Hook and Keeper Holders
    Regarding the man door and the awning, is there any way that you can attach the plunger style holder, # DH605, to the support are for the awning that is causing the interference? Otherwise, you could use something like the hook and keeper, # 383400. If they were placed near the door hinges you could probably configure it to hold the door open where it will not interfere or shut. The same thing for the rear barn doors. The stress on the door keepers would be greater the closer they are...
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  • Overall Length of Plunger # DH605P
    The 2" Replacement Plunger for DH605 # DH605P that you referenced is 2 inches in length. If you need something similar to this your best option would be to go with the # DH605 which comes with a new plunger and socket instead of trying to fit your older socket that may be worn out at this point.
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  • Does the Plunger and Nylon Socket Door Holder DH605 Come with Install Hardware
    The Plunger and Nylon Socket Door Holder part # DH605 does not come with installation hardware but we do have screws that will work for this, the part # 1131832.
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