Keep your trailer door open while loading and unloading with this 4-3/4" long plunger-and-socket door holder. Plunger slides into rubber socket to hold door in place. Zinc-plated steel plunger resists corrosion. Mounting screws are included.
Videos are provided as a guide only. Refer to manufacturer installation instructions and specs for complete information.
Ellen: Hey everyone, I'm Ellen here at Today, we're taking a quick look at the JR Products Plunger and Rubber Socket Door Holder. So this is going to help to keep your door open, especially if you're loading in things to your RV or your camper, things like groceries, luggage, kids, whatever the case might be. So this is going to help to keep that door open so you can keep loading things in without having to use your hands and help to prevent that door from coming back at you. So this is going to have a two piece design, we'll have our plunger, and then the socket here that this is going to fit into. So that rubber socket it just rests in place there, but basically that's just going to push in and a pretty good amount of tension put on there.
So that's going to keep your door nice and secure, and then it's just a matter of pulling it out to release that back.So as you use it, it'll probably get a little bit easier so you don't have to fight it quite so much, right now that rubber is still fairly tight, it's going to hold pretty well, so it'll probably take a little bit of force, a little bit of wearing down before it gets a little bit easier there. It does come with the hardware to get that mounted up so you don't have to worry about finding anything extra to go with this. As far as the size, our socket side is going to be about three and a half inches long from edge to edge. And then about two inches wide, maybe about two and an eighth inch, and then it's about an inch deep. That rubber socket does fit in there, it is a little bit taller than our bracket, so you might have to coax it into the wall or wherever you mount it up to, to get it to go flat, or it might be a little bit away from the wall when you mount it up depending on how tight you get that mounted in there, but just something to keep in mind.As far as the other side, the base is going to measure about three inches, about three inches and an eighth, and then about one and a half inches wide.
That plunger coming out of there is about five inches long. This is going to be made of a zinc plated steel, so we shouldn't have to worry about too much rest or corrosion over time, it is covered by a lifetime warranty from JR Products. And that's pretty much going to do it for our look at the JR Products Plunger and Rubber Socket Door Holder. If that rubber part happens to wear out on you, that is replaceable, it is sold separately. So you can change out the rubber piece that haven't replace the whole kit and that's it.
Thanks for watching.
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Keep your trailer door open while loading and unloading with this 4-3/4" long plunger-and-socket door holder. Plunger slides into rubber socket to hold door in place. Zinc-plated steel plunger resists corrosion. Mounting screws are included.
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