Angle this reading light to your side of the bed when you want to wind down with a good book. Cool white, energy-efficient LEDs last longer and burn brighter than incandescents. Integrated switch lets you turn the light on and off.
Want an extra focused light over your bed or favorite armchair for when you want to curl up with a good book before bedtime? This RV reading light has a cool white LED that is bright enough to highlight book or newspaper pages so you won't have to strain your eyes, even on the darkest of nights. And you can angle the light shade away from your sleeping partner and onto your book, allowing you to read a little longer without waking them up.
This built-in LED is more energy efficient, lasts longer, and burns brighter than lights with incandescent bulbs. You won't have to worry about dealing with bulbs that have brittle filaments. And because LEDs draw minimal power, the light won't drain your battery or overload your circuits.
This reading light is incredibly easy to install either as an upgrade or a direct replacement of your existing light. Using hardware (not included), bolt the light down onto the ceiling or wall of your RV. The light has a 2-wire design that hooks up to ground (white wire) and power (black wire). Once you're finished, you can then turn the light on and off using the integrated switch on the base.
Videos are provided as a guide only. Refer to manufacturer installation instructions and specs for complete information.
Hello neighbors, it's Brad here at etrailer, and today we're taking a look at a Gustafson LED reading lamp. This is a great light fixture to update your previous light fixtures. Say you have a burnt-out bulb, or you're just looking for a little more modern touch, this is this very simple install and gives you a quick, beautiful look of new lights. Now, another thing too you see here is the LED light pattern that it puts out is pretty small, but it's very intense in that spot. So if you're reading in bed and you don't wanna wake up the partner next to you, this is a great option. One other difference you're gonna see is the previous one kind of floods the area, the light kinda shines everywhere.
As you can see kind of on this cabinet here, you can see the light on there. Whereas this one, you don't see that light flooding out because it is a focused beam. So this is really good for the bedroom, especially if you're the night owl and your partner isn't or vice versa, you can have your light on, still do whatever you need to do, and they can stay in the dark, sleeping. Now this has full adjustability as far as moving our light around. So you can spin this 360 degrees.
You also can bend it, and you're gonna get just about any angle you want. So any place that you need focused light, whether it be in the kitchen, or in the bathroom, or reading, this is gonna be a great option. With today's lighting standards and upgrades in LED lights, we've come such a far way. These LED lights are awesome as far as they don't use a ton of electricity, but you get such a high output. And so for five minutes of installation and very simple, even if you're not a wiring expert or electrical expert, it's very easy to do.
You instantly get a nice look in your camper and you get a better light. This is gonna be a really great option if you're looking to refresh your camper, give it maybe a modern touch or just get better lighting. And it's very easy, and a quick upgrade that you're gonna love. Having pendant lights near your bed a lot of times is gonna be awesome because when your partner's sleeping, they can stay in the dark, this focuses if you want to read a book or you're not quite ready for bed, you can aim this and keep the light directly where you want it to be. Now, when these kinda go out, it's a good maybe excuse to kinda update our lighting in the camper, and a light fixture can really make a big difference.
Now, as far as taking these out and swapping them, they're pretty simple. Most of these are gonna just have two screws going into the wood. Now you wanna be careful not to pull down on the pendant when removing them because it can damage this board. So simply unscrew both of them, and then this should drop down. Now, since we are performing electrical work, you're gonna want to shut off the electrical to the camper so we're not getting zapped while dealing with the electric. You can see, we just simply have a positive, these caps sometimes can be a little tricky, so just take your time with that. We have our positive and our negative, and they're simply just capped to the red and black wires on the pendant. So changing this out should be pretty simple. Now you can sometimes bend these back to make more of a circle, and those will actually come apart there, and you can actually reuse these if you like, or you can actually get new wire nuts, which I recommend. But as you can see, they're just simply tied together and then capped and that should be it. Now we have these pre-spliced wires here. You just pull the sleeve off and that's gonna give you the exposed wire. Now, obviously, make sure that it is powered off and you're gonna see you have a red and white, and then just a white wire. So our red and white is going to go to our black, so simply spin that around there. And that's gonna be our power. And then so with our screw on wire cap, so I'm gonna put that on there. And then our white one we'll do the same here. Now our power wire you can see is white with red, and then we have our negative here, which is gonna be white, and yours may be different, but you're gonna want to check to make sure that your power is connecting to your black, and your negative will be on the white. Now that these are hooked up, we're gonna turn the power on, make sure that it works. And with the flip of a switch, we can see our LED light is working just great. So now we can put these wires back up, put our screws in, and mount it up. Now, installing it, you can either reuse the screws if yours are long enough from your previous hardware, or you can just go get some small little machine screws here, and that's gonna allow us to zip this back into our paneling. So really, install is super easy. We just place our wire nuts and the rest of the wire up back in the hole. This is our little switch wire there with those pressed up, we're gonna take our screw, and just simply try to reuse the old holes. And you may have to drill your own new ones, but it'll be tucked behind this actual little piece of metal here, so you're not gonna see those. And just screw those into place with the Phillips head. With both of our screws in place, you can go ahead and change these out to whatever light fixtures need to be updated or changed. And these are gonna work pretty much anywhere that you have wiring run, so whether it be horizontal or a vertical mount, that's no problem..
Average Customer Rating: 4.7 out of 5 stars (281 Customer Reviews)
Angle this reading light to your side of the bed when you want to wind down with a good book. Cool white, energy-efficient LEDs last longer and burn brighter than incandescents. Integrated switch lets you turn the light on and off.
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