Enhance the beauty of your vehicle by installing one of these great looking license plates.
Videos are provided as a guide only. Refer to manufacturer installation instructions and specs for complete information.
Hi, everybody. Andy here with etrailer.com. Let's take a real quick look together at this Ebony Finished Stainless Steel Chevrolet License Plate. Now, this Ebony finished stainless steel chrome Chevrolet plate is an officially licensed GM product, and it's going to enhance the beauty of your Chevy while the same time showing off your Chevy pride. Now, the heavy-gauge stainless steel is not going to rust or corrode. And this is going to be a simple installation with the existing mounting hardware that you already have for your license plate.
This is going to have the same standard dimensions as a standard license plate. Let me go ahead and confirm those measurements with you. So looking at the overall width, we're sitting right at 11-7/8 inches, height right at almost 6 inches, 5-7/8 inches. And then the distance between those mounting holes, in case you we inchesre wondering, on center is seven inches. I know that's kind of hard for you to see there.
Yeah, seven inches. Now, you do wanna keep in mind that this is not legal in all states, so you will need to check with your state's regulations before installing this on your Chevy. Well, I think that's going to wrap up our quick look today. I do hope that our time together was helpful for you. Again, my name is Andy.
Thank you for joining me.
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Great Product!!!! Great customer service!!!!
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