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  1. Horse Trailer Accessories
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  4. Side Pad
  5. Vinyl and Foam
  6. 60 Inch Long
Horse Trailer Side Pad - 60" Long

Horse Trailer Side Pad - 60" Long

Part Number: HTP60BK
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Horse Trailer Accessories
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Installs on the sides of your horse trailer to protect your horse's flanks from rubbing against the rough sides of the trailer. Constructed of durable black vinyl for mold and mildew resistance. Installation hardware not included. 1-800-940-8924 to order Redline horse trailer accessories part number HTP60BK or order online at Free expert support on all Redline products. Great prices and Fastest Shipping for Horse Trailer Side Pad - 60" Long. Horse Trailer Accessories reviews from real customers.
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Redline Horse Trailer Accessories - HTP60BK

  • Protectant Pads
  • Side Pad
  • Vinyl and Foam
  • 60 Inch Long
  • Redline

Installs on the sides of your horse trailer to protect your horse's flanks from rubbing against the rough sides of the trailer. Constructed of durable black vinyl for mold and mildew resistance. Installation hardware not included.


  • Installs on the sides of your horse trailer to protect your horse's flanks from rubbing against the rough sides of the trailer
  • Constructed of durable black vinyl for mold and mildew resistance and easy cleaning
  • Installation hardware not included


  • Overall dimensions: 60" long x 9" wide x 2" thick
  • Padded area dimensions: 58" long x 7" wide x 2" thick

HTP60BK Horse Trailer Side Pad - 60" Long

Video of Horse Trailer Side Pad - 60" Long

Videos are provided as a guide only. Refer to manufacturer installation instructions and specs for complete information.

Video Transcript for Review of the Horse Trailer Side Pad

Today we'll be taking a quick look at the horse trailer side pad. This is going to keep your equine friends safe and protected while you're out on the road, gives them something to help protect at that side portion of your horse trailer. It's made of a durable black vinyl material so it'll be easy to wash off and keep clean, and also be resistant to any kind of mold or mildew.The back is just a stapled-on application over some kind of cardboard material, so to mount this up you'll probably want to use some screws at the top or any kind of flat rivets, something like that, to get this attached. It doesn't come with any hardware, so you will have to figure that out on your own, and it's really going to depend on your application in how you want to do that and the construction of your trailer as well.Inside there, we'll have our two inches of foam. It has a pretty good solid feel to it. It doesn't feel like it's going to get too compressed.

It has a good spring back, so I think this will probably last for a while for you. As far as the size, it does measure 60 inches long from the outside edge to outside edge. The padding or where the stitching starts, it's about 58 inches. Going the other way, it's about nine inches wide overall. Again, where our stitching starts, it's closer to about seven inches wide.The thickness overall is about two inches, so again, it should provide some good cushion and support for your horses inside your trailer.

Now, if you need any other horse trailer pads for your horse trailer, we have a couple of different sizes available, so definitely check those out right here at That's going to do it for a look at the horse trailer side pad in 60 inches.

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Horse Trailer Side Pad - 60" Long - HTP60BK

Average Customer Rating:  4.6 out of 5 stars   (168 Customer Reviews)

Installs on the sides of your horse trailer to protect your horse's flanks from rubbing against the rough sides of the trailer. Constructed of durable black vinyl for mold and mildew resistance. Installation hardware not included.


























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See what our Experts say about this Redline Horse Trailer Accessories

  • What is the Difference Between the HTP1260BK and the HTP60BK Horse Trailer Side Pads?
    They are different in width. Aside from that and price everything else is the same. The Horse Trailer Side Pad item # HTP1260BK measures 60" long x 12" wide x 2" thick. The Horse Trailer Side Pad item # HTP60BK measures 60" long x 9" wide x 2" thick.
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  • How Many Screws Should be Used to Install the Horse Trailer Side Pads part # HTP60BK
    It really is up to you to decide how many pad screws to use to install the Horse Trailer Side Pad # HTP60BK that you referenced, but typically customers use between 12 and 16 screws. The part number for the screws is PS-8.
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  • Are Screws the Only Thing Needed To Install a Horse Trailer Pad
    Yes, the Trailer Horse Pad Screw part # PS-8 are all that is needed to install a trailer horse pad like the Horse Trailer Side Pad part # HTP60BK. If you need a different pad size, I have attached our full list of options below.
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  • Recommendation For Attaching Horse Trailer Side Pads
    For the installation of your 60-inch horse trailer side pads, I recommend using the Trailer Horse Pad Screw # PS-8. The pads are installed in the trailer directly via the screws and can be mounted wherever is convenient. I have included a photo from our page for the 60-inch Horse Trailer Side Pads # HTP60BK showing how these screws are utilized.
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  • Comparing Trailer Horse Pad Screws and Self-Taping Screws for Horse Trailer Side Pads
    The Trailer Horse Pad Screw part # PS-8 will work great for attaching Horse Trailer Side Pads like part # HTP60BK. That said, you may need to drill a small pilot hole into the backing first depending on the material. I suppose you could use a standard self-tapping screw like part # 1131832 as well but there is no built-in washer on these and you risk stripping the hole much easier this way as well.
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  • Do Holes Come In Horse Trailer Side Pads For Install Or Is Drilling Required
    The holes to attach the Horse Trailer Side Pad part # HTP60BK do need to be drilled but that is standard from the other horse trailer side pads I have researched. We do not carry the screws by the box but the screws that we recommend can be purchased locally. They are #8 x 3/4" Screws.
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  • Larger Horse Trailer Side Pad Recommendation than part # HTP40BK
    We don't offer replacement horse trailer side pads in custom sizes, but for a larger size than the part # HTP40BK you would want the part # HTP60BK as this one is 60 inches long instead of 40 inches like the # HTP40BK.
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  • Horse Trailer Side Pad Size Availability And Manufacturer
    We have added the 60" X 12" Pad # HTP1260BK since the particular answer page you found was made. We do have the 40" X 9" Pad # HTP40BK and 60" X 9" Pad # HTP60BK. These are all made by Redline with Redneck Trailer Supply being the distributor for them. We also have their Horse Trailer Escape Door Pad # HTP12BK that is 12" X 9" and Horse Trailer Breast Pad # HTP24BK that is 24" X 9".
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  • How to Attach a Horse Pad Inside a Trailer
    Are the holes you are referring to threaded? If so then you could drill a 1/4" hole into one of our pads (see below) and then use a bolt to attach them to the wall. If the holes are not threaded then it may just be best to use a few phillips head screws on the outside border to affix the pad to your divider. I have attached a photo to show the method above. 60" long x 9" wide - part # HTP60BK 40" long x 9" wide - part # HTP40BK 24" long x 9" wide - part # HTP24BK 12" long x 9" wide...
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  • Mounting Screws for Installing Pads in Horse Trailer
    Our horse trailer pad items such as 60-inch Side Pad # HTP60BK and 24-inch Breast Pad # HTP24BK don't come with included hardware because the requirements between different trailers can vary so much depending on the type of material the pads are mounted on. But we do offer a number 8 screw 3/4-inches long that has a finishing washer on it, part # PS-8. If this 3/4-inch length is suitable for your trailer then this is an excellent option. These are sold individually (qty of 1).
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  • How to Attach the Premium Horse Trailer Side Pad to the Trailer Wall
    There is not a specific method for attaching the Horse Trailer Side Pad, # HTP60BK, to the trailer wall. You can use the Trailer Horse Pad Screw, # PS-8, but like you said it will puncture the material. Another option you have is to apply adhesive to one side of the horse pad to attach it to the trailer wall. I would recommend using a strong adhesive that can be purchased at your local hardware store. Be sure the back surface of the pad and the mounting surface of the trailer wall are...
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  • How to Install Redline Horse Trailer Side Pad HTP40BK
    You may be able to re-cover your existing side pads but by the time you get all the materials to do this (vinyl fabric, glue, staples) it may be more cost-effective to replace them with the Redline Horse Trailer Side Pad # HTP40BK. This black vinyl pad measures 9 x 40 x 2-inches thick and has a cardboard backing and 2-inch thick foam to protect your friends when you're on the road. To install a new pad we suggest #8 x 3/4-inch Horse Pad Screws # PS-8, sold individually. If you need pads...
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  • Screws to Use for Horse Trailer Side Pads
    We do offer a screw meant for trailer horse pads if you'd rather get them here. It's part # PS-8. It's a #8 x 3/4" screw sold in a quantity of 1, so you can order as many as you like. Be sure you use enough that the pad will stay on.
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  • Wiring A Trailet Horse Trailer For Lights, Fans, And An Electric Trailer Jack
    All clearance lights, tail lights, and the camera should run through to the 7-way connector junction box so that they are powered when connected to the tow vehicle. The breakaway switch will also need to be ran to this junction box in order to activate the brake assemblies in the event of a breakaway. The fans and any internal lights or appliances should be ran to a DC distribution panel and then ran to the trailer battery for power. A small DC distribution panel can be picked up from...
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  • Do Any Horse Trailer Pads Come In An 8' Length x 15" Width
    Hi Mary, These horse trailer side pads are only offered in 9" widths in the following lengths: 12" # HTP12BK 24" # HTP24BK 40" # HTP40BK 60" # HTP60BK They also offer one 60" version that's 12" wide with part # HTP1260BK. For your 8' length you could mount a 12", 24", and 60" pieces together or a 60" and 40" and cut it down to size. It looks like a 9" width is pretty standard sizing for most manufacturers. Do you possibly have more space to work this a different way so that you don't...
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  • How Do You Attach Horse Trailer Side Pads # HTP60BK To The Horse Trailer
    We carry Horse Trailer Pad Screws for attaching the horse trailer pads. The part number for the Trailer Horse Pad Screw (Qty 1) is PS-8. The pads are installed in the trailer with the screws directly through the pad and can be secured anywhere it is convenient to the trailer ribs or framing. If you look at the product page of # HTP60BK there is a picture under the customer reviews that will show how the pads are attached to the trailer.
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  • Horse Trailer Side and Breast Pad Recommendations
    Yes, there was a part number change, and the SP1924 is now the the Horse Trailer Breast Pad - 24 inch, part # HTP24BK, and the SP1960 is now Horse Trailer Side Pad - 60 inch, part # HTP60BK. To attach these pads to your trailer you may also be interested in Trailer Horse Pad Screw (Qty 1), part # PS-8.
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