Stop a rattling bike rack, cargo carrier, or other hitch-mounted accessory from making noise with this anti-rattle kit. Just fit the bracket inside your accessory's hollow shank and secure it with the threaded bolt.
Videos are provided as a guide only. Refer to manufacturer installation instructions and specs for complete information.
Hello neighbors. It's Brad here at etrailer. And today we're taking a look at the Curt anti-rattle kit for a hollow shank. Now we have a two inch hitch with a five eight hitch pin. We also have other varieties, including the two inch receiver with a half inch hitch pin. And it's also available for an inch and a quarter receiver as well.
This kit is going to reduce your rattling and shaking around in your hitch when you have your accessories attached. Now I can tell you about the product, but the best way to see what it does is to see it in action. So out on our test course, we have a standard hitch pin clip, and you're gonna see as we go over bumps and do a base of maneuvering that all contents on the cargo carrier are moving side to side, and that's not going to be good for your contents on the cargo carrier. And also as the driver, you can hear it rattling back and forth. So any of your accessories that may be moving around, whether it be your bikes or ball mounts, it's gonna cause an audible noise inside, and the contents that you're towing or carrying are also gonna be rattled.
With our cargo loaded up, we're gonna hit the test course through the same courses that we did and really see the difference before and after putting our anti-rattle device on. With our anti-rattle hitch kit installed, you're gonna see the lack of movement or the reduction in the side to side action, as well as movement of the contents on the carrier itself. So this is gonna reduce all that wobbling and shaking up of the things that you're carrying on any accessory. That's gonna give you peace of mind, knowing that your accessories loaded up, whether it be your expensive bikes or your luggage, are not getting rattled to bits, and moving side to side. The construction of the anti-rattle kit is a durable yellow zinc plated finish, so that's going to hold up to the environment, whether it be from salt door of road grime, it's gonna hold up long-term and reduce the potential for corrosion or rust buildup.
Now keep in mind, this is only to be used with hollow shanks. So some of your accessories that are solid will not work with this kit. Fortunately, many accessories with a solid shank are gonna have a anti-rattle hitch pin already included with them. One of the things I really like about this kit is the pin that's included can go on it at any angle, thanks to the groove design on the pin itself. So you can be at any angle and know that it can be attached nice and easy.
Some threaded hitch pins will have a hole instead of this design, which seems okay until you try to put your pin in and the angle puts it to where it's hard to slide in. So the ability to put this in at any angle is really awesome. My opinion on the anti-rattle hitch kit is it's a great investment for someone that has any accessories loaded up for a long period of time, whether it be for a long trip or keeping it on there on a daily occurrence, every time you drive your car and you hear that clang, clang, bang, bang, as you hit bumps, it can be annoying and something as simple as this with a quick install, can completely eliminate that. So installation of this is gonna be pretty simple. We're gonna slide this in and I'm gonna just slightly thread this tapered end, and this tapered end is going to allow that to kind of fit in there. And I'm gonna just hold that in place. Now we're using this on a cargo carrier today. This can be used on any hollow shank accessories to really give that nice tight bite to it, whether it be a bike rack, cargo carrier, or any other accessories you may have. So now we're gonna feed this in to the receiver tube opening. I'm gonna remove this so I know it's in place. And then slowly slide this in. Once I get my hitch pin holes lined up, I can start threading this in. So as you can see before I tighten it down, this is kind of the wobbling we're working with. You can see the actual shank in the receiver tube moving and cars barely moving but the shank is doing plenty of wobbling. So let's tighten that down and see what it looks like after. Now, before I crank it all the way down, I'm gonna take my included spacer and slide that in. And that's gonna fill that void there to give it added strength and security over here and that way, not all the stresses on the threads. So with that spacer in place, we can go ahead and tighten it down. Once we have a tight, you should already notice that the accessory is not moving as much, and then finally put your hitch pin clip on and you're good to go. So now with our adapter in place, you can see really there's a little bit of flex, but a lot of that's in the cargo carrier. So as I moved this, the shank and the receiver tube is staying completely still and the whole car is moving with it. There's no play and there's no slop, it's ironed all that out. And that's gonna do it for a look at the Curt anti-rattle kit for hollow shanks. Thanks for watching..
Average Customer Rating: 4.7 out of 5 stars (150 Customer Reviews)
Stop a rattling bike rack, cargo carrier, or other hitch-mounted accessory from making noise with this anti-rattle kit. Just fit the bracket inside your accessory's hollow shank and secure it with the threaded bolt.
It works
It worked like it was supposed to.
what I needed and works
Excellent product. Good prices.
Love it!
Seems a bit light but does its job perf ectly.
Good product, works great
does what it is supposed to do
Looks good. New in packaging. Havnt tried it yet.
Does the job.
This is also what I needed and also was worth the wait.
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