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Coghlan's Camping Coffee Percolator - Stainless Steel - 9 Cups

Coghlan's Camping Coffee Percolator - Stainless Steel - 9 Cups

Part Number: CG44UV
Camping Kitchen
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Brew rich coffee for a small group directly over the campfire or on your camping stove with this rugged, stainless steel percolator. Glass dome knob lets you monitor the brewing process, which helps prevent bitter coffee from over-extraction. 1-800-940-8924 to order Coghlans camping kitchen part number CG44UV or order online at Free expert support on all Coghlans products. Great prices and Fastest Shipping for Coghlan's Camping Coffee Percolator - Stainless Steel - 9 Cups. Camping Kitchen reviews from real customers.
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Coghlans Camping Kitchen - CG44UV

  • Appliances
  • Coffee Percolators
  • Dishwasher Safe
  • Heat-Resistant Handle
  • Coghlans
  • Group Camping
  • RV Camping
  • Solo Camping
  • Stainless Steel
  • 51 - 100 oz
  • Silver

Brew rich coffee for a small group directly over the campfire or on your camping stove with this rugged, stainless steel percolator. Glass dome knob lets you monitor the brewing process, which helps prevent bitter coffee from over-extraction.


  • Rugged percolator lets you brew flavorful coffee at the campsite or in your RV
    • Brews up to 9 cups - perfect for small groups
    • Heats up with your camping stove, RV stove, or directly over the campfire
  • Glass dome knob lets you to monitor the brewing process - helps prevent bitter coffee from over-extraction
  • Perforated basket includes a cover to keep grounds contained while brewing
  • Wood handle provides a solid grip while pouring
  • Hinged lid ensures you won't lose the top
  • Durable, long-lasting stainless steel is easy to clean and resists corrosion


  • Capacity: 9 cups
  • Weight: 2 lbs

Note: Handle can become hot during use. The manufacturer recommends using heat-resistant gloves or an oven mitt to prevent injury.

1340 Coghlans Stainless Steel Coffee Pot - 9 Cups - Percolator Coffee Pot - Percolator Coffee Maker - Camping Coffee Maker

Video of Coghlan's Camping Coffee Percolator - Stainless Steel - 9 Cups

Videos are provided as a guide only. Refer to manufacturer installation instructions and specs for complete information.

Video Transcript for Coghlan's Camping Coffee Percolator Feature Review

Hi everybody, my name is Andy with And today, we're taking a look at Coghlan's stainless steel coffee pot with percolator. Now, with this stainless steel coffee pot, you're gonna have the perfect companion to make coffee, or you can even use this to make hot chocolate or tea at your campsite as well. The ability to brew a good cup of coffee while you're away on a camping adventure, is an essential element of camping. And so, with this pot, you're gonna be able to provide coffee, not only for you but for family members or friends that are along with you at your campsite. This would also work great in an RV or a camper.

Let's take a closer look at this. Now, this pot can make up to nine cups of coffee or tea or hot chocolate. And not only is it stainless steel, but it also has a nice wooden handle here that's going to keep a nice cool grip for when you're ready to pour your coffee. Now, another nice thing about taking a percolator coffee maker with you. is you don't have to worry about paper filters.

So, you're not gonna have to be concerned about disposing of paper filters. All you're gonna need to do is put the grounds in this stainless steel basket and you will put it on the stem, and then put the top of the filter. And then all you have to do is after you fill your pot up with however many cups of water you want, you fill up your pot and that will go in there and it's a nice solid fit. And then that as you apply heat to the bottom for instance, using your camp stove, it's going to run that water through the stem and then start brewing the coffee. And then the water is going to come out of the stem and start saturating coffee grounds and make a really good pot of coffee for you.

This also has of course the bulb here so you can see the color of the water as it's brewing the coffee, so you know when your coffee is brewed. Now, this is as I have mentioned before, stainless steel, so all of the parts here are gonna be precision fit. And this is really going to last you a good long time. Another nice feature of this pot is it is dishwasher safe. So, this is really gonna be an easy cleanup for when you're done with your coffee and you're ready to clean this up.

You won't have to worry about that. Let's get some measurements here. The overall height of the pot, including the lid, including that bulb there, we're sitting at right about 7 1/2 inches tall. And by the way, this lid is a nice hinge lid, so you're not gonna have to worry about losing that lid. And with the lid opened, your overall height is gonna be about 6 1/2 inches. Let me take the insides out here just for a second as we get some measurements on the bottom. If you're wondering about the width of the bottom, we're gonna be sitting right at about 4 7/8th inches across on that bottom base. And then at the top, including the lifter here on the lid, and the bottom of that spout, we're gonna be sitting right at about 6 1/2 inches, just across there. And then, the inside diameter of the pot itself, we're gonna be sitting right at 4 1/4 inches of the inside diameter. This handle is gonna be about four inches tall. And then, the distance in between the pot itself and then the handle at the widest point, it's gonna be right at about, move my finger there so you can see, about two inches, maybe 2/4 inches. Now, the one downside of this pot, and it doesn't really reflect on the pot itself, is that it does have a sticker here and that can be hard to remove. So, just be aware of that. It's not just gonna be a simple peel off, you might have to use something to kinda help get that off, Goo Be Gone or something like that. So, just be aware of that. If you're looking for wider option, Coghlan does have an aluminum coffee pot that will brew up to nine cups and it is a percolator as well. It does not have this wooden handle, it has bale handles instead. You can find that on our website. Item number CG74UV. Again, that's for the aluminum one. Personally, I prefer the stainless steel one, it's just a better quality it feels and I do like the hinge lid as well. So, I would prefer this stainless steel option. Well, that's gonna conclude our look today at Coghlan's stainless steel coffee pot with percolator. Again, my name is Andy, thank you for joining me..

Customer Reviews

Coghlan's Camping Coffee Percolator - Stainless Steel - 9 Cups - CG44UV

Average Customer Rating:  4.7 out of 5 stars   (3 Customer Reviews)

Brew rich coffee for a small group directly over the campfire or on your camping stove with this rugged, stainless steel percolator. Glass dome knob lets you monitor the brewing process, which helps prevent bitter coffee from over-extraction.




The label was very difficult to remove and I had to use paint thinner to remove the adhesive it left behind. The performance of the the coffee pot is spot on.


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Employee Alex H
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Alex H
Employee Andy C
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Andy C

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