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Best Ford Escape Ski and Snowboard Racks

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Ski and Snowboard Racks Videos

An In-Depth Look at the Yakima FatCat EVO Ski and Snowboard Carrier on your 2018 Ford Escape

Play video An In-Depth Look at the Yakima FatCat EVO  Ski and Snowboard Carrier on your 2018 Ford Escape

Hey, everyone, it's Evangeline here at etrailer, and today we have the Yakima FatCat Evo Ski and Snowboard carrier. We're gonna take a look at how it fits our 2018 Ford Escape. If you're looking to carry around your skis and snowboards or your fishing rods, but you want something that has a bit more premium features like locks, it's low profile, it's sleek, that's where the Yakima FatCat Evo can come in handy. This has its unique rounded design, it has adjustability, and it even has a ski lift feature. So if you have skis with extra tall bindings, it'll give you that extra height so you're not hitting the roof of your Ford Escape. Now this is available in two sizes.

2018 Ford Escape Rhino-Rack Ski and Fishing Rod Carrier: Feature Breakdown

Play video 2018 Ford Escape Rhino-Rack Ski and Fishing Rod Carrier: Feature Breakdown

Hey, everyone, it's Evangeline here at etrailer. And today, we have the Rhino-Rack Ski and Snowboard Carrier. We're gonna take a look at how it fits our 2018 Ford Escape. If you are looking for a good entry-level ski and snowboard carrier, or even a carrier for your fishing poles, this is gonna be a very popular option. It is at an average price point, but it still has a lot of good features, like it has lock cores included, a way to secure the clamps, and it can carry those skis, those snowboards, and those fishing poles. This is available in different sizes.

Yakima FatCat Ski and Snowboard Racks Review - 2016 Ford Escape

Play video Yakima FatCat Ski and Snowboard Racks Review - 2016 Ford Escape

Today this 2016 Ford Escape, we're going to be test fitting the Yakima Fatcat 6 locking rooftop ski carrier. Part number Y03088. This can carry up to six skies or four snowboards. We already have one installed on the front. Let's go ahead and show you how the rear one installs. Go ahead and set it in place. Wrapping it around our crossbars.

Fit Test: Thule SnowPack Ski and Snowboard Carrier on a 2016 Ford Escape

Play video Fit Test: Thule SnowPack Ski and Snowboard Carrier on a 2016 Ford Escape

Today on this 2016 Ford Escape, we're going to be test fitting the Thule SnowPack Ski & Snowboard Carrier, part number TH7326. Now, this can carry up to 6 skis or 4 boards. We already have the front one installed. We're going to go ahead and show you how the rear one installs. We'll first take the carrier and set it in place on our rear crossbar and try to keep it even with our front one here. Then, we'll take this rubber-coated steel strap, wrap it around, and then come around to the rear here to this gray knob and turn it to the right to start tightening it down. This will take a bit.

RockyMounts Ski and Snowboard Racks Review - 2016 Ford Escape

Play video RockyMounts  Ski and Snowboard Racks Review - 2016 Ford Escape

Today on this 2016 Ford Escape, we're going to be test fitting the Rocky Mounts lift up biggie ski and snowboard carrier, part number RKY1482. This can carry up to five fat skis or four snowboards. We've got the front one installed already so we'll go ahead and show you how the rear one goes into place. Now it does come with a allen key tool to tighten this down. We'll take our rear carrier, kind of situate it on our crossbar here. Try to match it up to where it's even with the front one. Once we have that figured out, take our strap here with the T-shape, fit into the appropriate slot and take the included allen tool.

Yakima FatCat Ski and Snowboard Carrier Review - 2013 Ford Escape

Play video Yakima FatCat Ski and Snowboard Carrier Review - 2013 Ford Escape

Today, on our 2013 Ford Escape, we'll be test-fitting the Yakima FatCat 6 Locking Rooftop Ski and Snowboard Carrier, part number Y03088. Now, to begin our test fit, we'll take the front carrier, place it over the top of the front crossbar, and bring the rubber-coated steel straps around underneath the crossbar, and latch them back to the carrier attachment point. Once they're locked in place on either side, we can then open up the carrier, tighten down the wingnut, and clamp it into place. With that, our carrier on the front crossbar is secured. We'll move on to the rear crossbar. We'll now place the rear carrier on top of the rear crossbar, and repeating the same procedure, clamping it down, we'll secure the rear carrier to the rear crossbar.

Yakima FatCat Ski and Snowboard Carrier Review - 2010 Ford Escape

Play video Yakima FatCat Ski and Snowboard Carrier Review - 2010 Ford Escape

Today on our 2010 Ford Escape we'll be test fitting the Yakima FatCat 6 locking rooftop ski and snowboard carrier with a 6-ski or 4-board capacity, part number Y03088. With a factory roof rack system on our Escape we'll begin our test fit by placing the front part of the carrier onto our front crossbar. We'll bring the rubber-coated steel straps around the underside of the bar and hook them into the connection points. Now you may need to turn the red knob on the inside of the top bracket to tighten the strap. Tighten down the black lever and clamp it down, which will secure the connection piece in place. We'll then move to the other side of the vehicle and repeat the same process. With the front part of the carrier secured, we're ready to install the back part of the carrier. We'll just repeat the same installation process as we did with the front.

Whispbar Roof Ski and Snowboard Carrier Review - 2010 Ford Escape

Play video Whispbar Roof Ski and Snowboard Carrier Review - 2010 Ford Escape

Today on our 2010 Ford Escape we'll be test fitting the Whispbar locking rooftop ski and snowboard carrier with a 6-ski or 4-board capacity, part number WB-300. With a factory roof rack on our Escape we'll begin our test fit by placing the front part of the carrier onto our front crossbar. We'll swing the rubber-coated steel straps around the underside of the bar and hook them into the connection points. With it in place, we'll need to open up the jaws of the carrier by pushing into the black over-sized button. We'll need to make sure the lever is up and loose. We will then tighten down the black lever and clamp it down, which will secure that connection piece. After repeating the same process for the other side we'll place the rear part of the carrier onto the rear bar and repeat the same installation process. Now that both pieces of the carrier are installed, we're ready to load up our skis and our snowboard. We'll need to push in the black over-sized button at the end of the carrier and open up the jaws.

Yakima FatCat Ski and Snowboard Carrier Review - 2008 Ford Escape

Play video Yakima FatCat Ski and Snowboard Carrier Review - 2008 Ford Escape

Today on our 2008 Ford Escape, we'll be test fitting the Yakima FatCat 6 locking rooftop ski and snowboard carrier, with a 6-ski or 4-board capacity, part number Y03088. With the Yakima round bar roof rack system assembled onto our vehicle, we'll begin our test fit by placing half of the carrier onto the front crossbar. We'll bring the rubber-coated straps around the crossbar, fitting them back into the foot of our carrier. We'll press firmly on the buckle and clamp it down. We'll do this for both sides of the carrier. We'll grab the second half of our carrier, and place it onto our rear bar.

Whispbar Roof Ski and Snowboard Carrier Review - 2008 Ford Escape

Play video Whispbar Roof Ski and Snowboard Carrier Review - 2008 Ford Escape

Today on our 2008 Ford Escape, we'll be test fitting the Whispbar locking rooftop ski and snowboard carrier with a 6-ski or 4-board capacity, part number WB-300. With the Yakima round bar roof rack system assembled onto our vehicle, we'll begin our test fit by placing half of the carrier onto the front part of our roof rack. We'll bring the rubber-coated strap around, fitting it back into the foot of the carrier, closing the buckle, and clamping it down. We can repeat that process for the other side. We'll grab the second half of our carrier and place it onto our rear bar. We'll bring the rubber-coated strap around, fit it back into the foot of the carrier, close the buckle, and clamp it down.