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Replacement Rear Arm for Yakima Dr. Tray Bike Rack

Replacement Rear Arm for Yakima Dr. Tray Bike Rack

Part Number: Y26CR
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Replaces the rear arm on your Yakima Dr. Tray bike rack (Y02473, Y02473-02475, Y02474, or Y02474-02475). Installs on the tray furthest away from your hitch on 2-bike racks or on the center tray on 3-bike racks. Includes rear arm and hardware. 1-800-940-8924 to order Yakima accessories and parts part number Y26CR or order online at Free expert support on all Yakima products. Great prices and Fastest Shipping for Replacement Rear Arm for Yakima Dr. Tray Bike Rack. Accessories and Parts reviews from real customers.
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Yakima Accessories and Parts - Y26CR

  • Hitch Bike Racks
  • Cradle and Arm Parts
  • Arms
  • Yakima
  • Dr. Tray

Replaces the rear arm on your Yakima Dr. Tray bike rack (Y02473, Y02473-02475, Y02474, or Y02474-02475). Installs on the tray furthest away from your hitch on 2-bike racks or on the center tray on 3-bike racks. Includes rear arm and hardware.


  • Replaces the rear arm on your Yakima Dr. Tray bike rack (Y02473, Y02473-02475, Y02474, or Y02474-02475)
  • Installs on the tray furthest away from your hitch on 2-bike racks
  • Installs on the center tray on 3-bike racks
  • Includes rear arm and installation hardware


  • Yakima Dr. Tray bike racks: Y02473, Y02473-02475, Y02474, and Y02474-02475

Arrow pointing to the rear arm on a Dr. Tray bike rack

8889016 Replacement Rear Tray Arm for Yakima Dr. Tray Bike Rack

Video of Replacement Rear Arm for Yakima Dr. Tray Bike Rack

Videos are provided as a guide only. Refer to manufacturer installation instructions and specs for complete information.

Video Transcript for An In-Depth Look at the Replacement Rear Arm for Yakima Dr. Tray Bike Rack

Hi, everybody. Andy here with, and today we're gonna take a brief look at this Yakima replacement rear arm. This is going to replace the rear arm on your Yakima Dr. Tray Bike Rack. And on your screen, I am including the item numbers of the Dr. Tray Bike Racks for your reference.

And this is going to install on the tray furthest away from your hitch on your two bike racks as I have picture there for you on your screen and then on the center tray on the three bike racks. So this is going to include this rear arm and then the installation hardware. Let me zoom out here real quick and of course, show you this is going to work just like your original. And this is the replacement from Yakima. So this is going to be exactly like the one that you've either misplaced or damaged.

It's gonna be just like the one that you are needing to replace, same quality, same fit and finish. So to have a Dr. Tray Bike Rack, this is going to be exactly what you need. This also includes, basically, just an instruction sheet with a few pictures on here just to show you where that goes, and how it installs with the included hardware. Well, that's gonna conclude our brief look today.

I do hope that it was helpful for you. Again, my name is Andy. Thank you for joining me..

Customer Reviews

Replacement Rear Arm for Yakima Dr. Tray Bike Rack - Y26CR

Average Customer Rating:  5.0 out of 5 stars   (1 Customer Reviews)

Replaces the rear arm on your Yakima Dr. Tray bike rack (Y02473, Y02473-02475, Y02474, or Y02474-02475). Installs on the tray furthest away from your hitch on 2-bike racks or on the center tray on 3-bike racks. Includes rear arm and hardware.


Updated from the original, fixes the breaking point problem it seems!


See what our Experts say about this Yakima Accessories and Parts

  • Are The Front And Rear Arms Interchangeable For The Yakima Dr. Tray Bike Rack
    Hey Ted, The front and rear arms for the Dr. Tray bike rack are unfortunately different so there aren't interchangeable. I actually had someone else looking for this part not too long ago and was told by Yakima that it's discontinued with no stock left so you'd only be able to get a replacement secondhand at this point. I doubt you'll find it secondhand, or that it will be in good condition, so you're realistically looking at replacing the entire rack. If you do end up looking for a...
    view full answer...
  • Replacement Parts for Yakima Dr. Tray Bike Rack
    We do have the parts that you need for your Yakima bike rack: - Replacement Rear Tray for Yakima Dr. Tray Bike Rack # Y86CR (this is the 8889013) - Replacement Rear Arm for Yakima Dr. Tray Bike Rack # Y26CR (this is the 8889016) The Replacement Rear Tray for Yakima Dr. Tray Bike Rack # Y86CR does include the arm, so unless you are needing to replace just the arm on the other tray, you would only need the # Y86CR for the tray and arm. We also have the following parts for the Yakima Dr....
    view full answer...

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Info for this part was:

Employee Wilson B
Updated by:
Wilson B
Employee Matthew S
Written by:
Matthew S
Employee Daron K
Edited by:
Daron K
Employee Andy C
Installed by:
Andy C

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