Note: etrailer and UWS keys are not interchangable despite having the same key number.
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Hello neighbors. I'm Steven here with Today we're looking at this replacement key for your UWS toolbox, specifically keyed to CH 506. Now, you may be saying "Steve, how do I know which key do I need" Well, it's actually pretty simple. Go to your toolbox, look at the slot where you insert your key. Right there next to that, on the front of that lock core fascia, you should see an engraved number.
Write that number down, go to our website,, type in that number. Sometimes you gotta put a CH in front of it, but that should bring up the right key that you need. Now that being said, again, this guy is keyed to CH506. You can see that engrave engraving there on the top. And again, you're getting quantity one, one key.
Very simple review today. Well folks, that's gonna do it for our replacement key, again, for your UWS toolboxes, specifically CH506. I'm Steven. Thanks so much for watching and have a great day.
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