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Replacement Wiring Harness for Tow Ready Nissan Vehicle Wiring Harness
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Replacement Wiring Harness for Tow Ready Nissan Vehicle Wiring Harness

Part Number: 118263
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Replaces a damaged harness and 4-way plug for your Tow Ready Nissan vehicle wiring harness (118525). Does not include the relays needed to activate your Nissan's tow package. 1-800-940-8924 to order Tow Ready accessories and parts part number 118263 or order online at Free expert support on all Tow Ready products. Great prices and Fastest Shipping for Replacement Wiring Harness for Tow Ready Nissan Vehicle Wiring Harness. Accessories and Parts reviews from real customers.
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Tow Ready Accessories and Parts - 118263

  • Custom Fit Vehicle Wiring
  • Wiring Harness
  • Tow Ready

Replaces a damaged harness and 4-way plug for your Tow Ready Nissan vehicle wiring harness (118525). Does not include the relays needed to activate your Nissan's tow package.


  • Replaces a damaged harness and 4-way plug for your Tow Ready Nissan vehicle wiring harness (118525)
    • Does not include the relays needed to activate your Nissan's tow package
  • Includes 1 replacement vehicle wiring harness and 4-way plug

118263 Replacement Wiring Harness for Tow Ready Nissan Vehicle Wiring Harness

Installation Details 118263 Installation instructions

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Video of Replacement Wiring Harness for Tow Ready Nissan Vehicle Wiring Harness

Videos are provided as a guide only. Refer to manufacturer installation instructions and specs for complete information.

Video Transcript for Tow Ready Vehicle Wiring Harness Installation - 2018 Nissan Frontier

Hey everybody, Ryan here at etrailer. Today, on our 2018 Nissan Frontier we're gonna be showing you how to install the tow ready replacement four-way flat wiring harness. Before we get into that though, why don't we just check this out and make sure it's gonna work. So what this is gonna be is just a replacement harness, to replace your existing one whether it's a factory one or an aftermarket one. And the reason being, a lot of times these can just get damaged, you know corrosion and if it's out in elements all the time or maybe you left it plugged into your trailer on accident and, you know, when you go to disconnect and drive away and it rips it out or you know, there's a lot of different things that can happen, that can just cause this to get worn out. You know, maybe try to push it in wrong and this broke, whatever the case may be.

So if that happens, you don't have to deal with getting a whole entire new kit. You can get just a harness, plug it in and get going again. I want to mention though, you have to have the relays installed for your factory tow package. So, if you're trucked didn't come equipped with the, you know, with a factory tow package, you know, a four way or seven way, you'll have to get that kit for this to work. This is just one of two pieces for the whole thing so you know if that's something you need, you can always find those parts right here at etrailer.

Aside from that though, that's really about it, you know, not a whole lot to the setup. One thing I like to do is take wire loom and put it over the wire here. Just kind of cleans up our install look a little bit more. And you can also, you can secure wiring like this, or if you wanted to, you can get a four-way flat bracket and screw it to your bumper, your hitch, or wherever you want to mount it, and do something a little bit different there too. So that's always an option, but other than that at the end of the day, it's going to be a good solution for you and a quick fix for a lot of you out there that might have damaged your connector in there.

As far as getting it installed goes, I mean it's it's about as easy as it gets, you essentially plug it in, and then zip tie it up and run it over here. So, I really shouldn't run into too many issues. If you'd like to see how we did that though. Feel free to hang around. We'll go ahead and install it now.

So to begin our installation, we're going to be here, at the back of our Frontier, working on the driver's side frame rail, right here in this area where our factory connector's located. Here's our factory connector and with this being a replacement end our customer already removed their old one. So, all that's left for us to do really is plug this in. I'll route our four-way flat over to our hitch and show you what it looks like once I've done that. Got our wiring all routed up. So, I used a zip tie, secured it here, just ran it along, through here where it drops down and I have. If I can get it undone now. I just took our dust cover and put it around our safety chain opening and that's what's securing our wiring. So I went ahead and put some wire loom on over our wiring just kind of clean up the install look. Then I plugged in this tester here. That way we can check our wiring. I suggest using something like this, as opposed to plugging into your trailer because if you plug into your trailer, if it has any issues, it might mislead you into thinking it's something on the vehicle side. But with that said, we'll go ahead hop in our truck and run through the signals. I'll go ahead and turn on our left turn signal, our right turn signal, hit our brakes, and then turn on our taillights. That'll finish up our look at, and our installation of the tow ready replacement four-way flat wiring harness on our 2018 Nissan Frontier..

Customer Reviews

Replacement Wiring Harness for Tow Ready Nissan Vehicle Wiring Harness - 118263

Average Customer Rating:  4.8 out of 5 stars   (79 Customer Reviews)

Replaces a damaged harness and 4-way plug for your Tow Ready Nissan vehicle wiring harness (118525). Does not include the relays needed to activate your Nissan's tow package.


As described, easy to install.




Uncap, click wire harness in place, done.


Super easy to install.


Product installed in seconds.




Easy to install.


Plugs right in




Perfect fit!


Simple. Installed in under a minute.


Easy to install


Super easy to put on. Great product


Fits perfect, as it should.


No problems what so ever


Delivered very quickly, Perfect condition. Great price!


The product arrived right as promised. It was a quick easy install.


Great value, and super easy to install! It took less than a minute to install.


Connected as the instructons said it would. Very easy install!


Fit with stock harness. Length is perfect fit as well.


Very easy to install on my 2012 Frontier!


Great product which worked well. Was easy to install and fit the Nisssan set up to a T.


a small scrach. paint over, 1 h to install


just what i was looking for--ordered sat--delivere wed!--great service-better prices than the dealership--thanks!


Exactly what I was looking for and a lot cheaper than the dealership.

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    The pin needed to install the # 118263 will be on the frame of the truck, but what matters most is whether or not the rest of the tow package wiring will be present. You would need to remove the passenger side kick panel to the right of where a passengers right foot would be. If there is a harness plugged in there that looks like what's picture then all you would need is the # 118263. If not you would need the part # C56225 instead.
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  • Troubleshooting Trailer Turn Signals Not Working on Wiring Harness for a Nissan
    This does sound like a bad or missing relay. You can test the 7-Way connector without the trailer attached to see if you get any signal at all on the turn signal/brake light circuit. If you do get a signal but the lights are not working on the trailer, it could be that the extra load from the trailer lights is not allowing them to function properly. This would indicate that most likely the grounds of the trailer light assemblies are not sufficient. You will want to make sure the assemblies...
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  • Availability of Nissan Relays Separate from Trailer Wiring Harness
    We do sell the Nissan relays by themselves with the part # C57000.
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  • 7-Way Trailer Wiring Harness Recommendation for 2011 Nissan Frontier with 4-Way
    Good news! You can just switch in the 7-way harness # 118267. The relays included in the 4-way kit # C56225 will be the same.
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  • Trailer Wiring Harness Recommendation for a 2001 Nissan Frontier
    The Replacement OEM Tow Package Wiring Harness # 118263 is only confirmed to fit 2005-2012 Nissan Frontiers. It shouldn't work on your 2001 Nissan Frontier. For your vehicle I would have recommended the Curt Wiring Harness Part # C56FR.
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