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Replacement Control Box for Thomas Payne Momentum Recliners and Sofas - Qty 1
Thomas Payne

Replacement Control Box for Thomas Payne Momentum Recliners and Sofas - Qty 1

Part Number: 195-387596
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195-387596 - Control Box Thomas Payne RV Couches and Chairs
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Replaces the control box for your Thomas Payne momentum recliner or sofa. 1-800-940-8924 to order Thomas Payne accessories and parts part number 195-387596 or order online at Free expert support on all Thomas Payne products. Great prices and Fastest Shipping for Replacement Control Box for Thomas Payne Momentum Recliners and Sofas - Qty 1. Accessories and Parts reviews from real customers.
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Thomas Payne Accessories and Parts - 195-387596

  • RV Couches and Chairs
  • Control Box
  • Thomas Payne

Replaces the control box for your Thomas Payne momentum recliner or sofa.


  • Replaces the control box for your Thomas Payne Momentum recliner or sofa
    • Fits 195-000055, 195-000056, 195-000055-056, 195-055-056-058, and 195-055-056-057
  • Quantity: 1 box
  • 1-Year warranty

728523 Thomas Payne Replacement Control Box for Thomas Payne Momentum Recliners and Sofas - Qty 1

Video of Replacement Control Box for Thomas Payne Momentum Recliners and Sofas - Qty 1

Videos are provided as a guide only. Refer to manufacturer installation instructions and specs for complete information.

Video Transcript for All About the Replacement Control Box for Thomas Payne Momentum Recliners and Sofas

Hi everybody. Andy here with and today we're gonna take a brief look at this Thomas Payne replacement control box. This is going to replace the control box for your Thomas Payne momentum, recliner, or sofa. And this is going to fit specifically the model numbers there that I have for you on your screen. And this control box is exactly like the one that you are needing to replace. It is directly from Thomas Payne.

So you can trust that this is going to fit right in place of the original. You're not going to have to worry about compatibility issues or anything like that. So you're going to get one replacement control box, everything that you see here. And if you're needing to replace the control box for your Thomas Payne momentum, recliner, or sofa this is going to be exactly what you need. Well, that's gonna conclude our brief look today.

I do hope that it was helpful for you. Again, my name is Andy. Thank you for joining me.

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Customer Reviews

Replacement Control Box for Thomas Payne Momentum Recliners and Sofas - Qty 1 - 195-387596

Average Customer Rating:  4.9 out of 5 stars   (12 Customer Reviews)

Replaces the control box for your Thomas Payne momentum recliner or sofa.


Just what I ordered.
Delivery on time
as promised


Hard to locate part, but etrailer had exact match. On time and fast delivery.


Works as advertised. Fixed my intermittent lighting problem.


It’s been a little over a year and it has worked flawlessly! It’s a direct replacement for the old one.


Great service, outstanding selections.


Fixed my recliner . Shipping is also g reat


Part as described. showed up quick. Fixed the problem.


Excellent assistance in providing the part I needed. Great customer service and prompt shipping.


Great to work with fast service


Thanks for stocking parts and almost always having ready to ship.




See what our Experts say about this Thomas Payne Accessories and Parts

  • Troubleshooting Heater Not Working on Thomas Payne Recliner but Massage and Lights Work
    I spoke with my contact at Lippert who said that either the heater is bad or the control box needs to be replaced on your Thomas Payne Momentum recliner. To test the heater unplug the red and black wires from the control box (located behind and under your recliner) and test for continuity using a multimeter like part # PTW1714. If you continuity then that means the control box is bad and you can replace it with part # 195-387596. If you don't have continuity then the heater is bad and...
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  • Troubleshooting A Thomas Payne Recliner That Will Not Recline
    For your Thomas Payne dual reclining loveseat, there could be a number of reasons why your recliner will not recline any longer. Lippert, the manufacturer of these recliners, has recommended you first unplug the unit from power, and let it sit for around 10 minutes. Sometimes a simple turn off, turn on fix is all that is needed to fix an issue. Another thing you can do is swap the cup holders, and see if the functions change on the chairs. If the left side works with the other cup holder,...
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  • Troubleshooting the Replacement Cup Holder for Thomas Payne
    To operate the lights on the Cup Holder for Thomas Payne Momentum Recliners and Sofas # 195-387597 you just use the button found on the outer ring of the cup holder (be sure that it is not locked). If when the lights are off, the system is still lit (other than the small spots on the buttons) you likely have a malfunction and will want to unplug the chair to reset it. If that doesn't solve the issue, then the switch is bad and you will need the Replacement Cup Holder for Thomas Payne Momentum...
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  • Availability of Replacement Parts to Power the Thomas Payne Momentum RV Dual Reclining Sofa
    We do have some replacement parts for power in regards to the Thomas Payne Momentum RV Dual Reclining Sofa that you referenced. The parts that we have are # 195-387597 for the cup holder, # 195-387596 for the control box, and # 195-387595 for the power cord. The cup holder is self-explanatory but if you are needing to replace one of the other 2 parts and are not sure which one it is, the control box can be located either behind or under your recliner. This is known as the "brains" of...
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  • Troubleshooting Thomas Payne Recliner Power Issues Where Nothing Works
    Since your Thomas Payne Recliner has no power for any function, I recommend first plugging something into the outlet to make sure that isn't the issue. Next, I recommend checking the Cup Holder # 195-387597 and it's wiring connection because that selects the functions as a built in wired remote to the control box. Next check the connections to the control box # 195-387596 itself. Finally check the 12V power cord # 195-387595. There are no external fuses or circuit breakers that would...
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  • Troubleshooting Functions Not Working on Thomas Payne Momentum RV Dual Reclining Sofa
    There are a few possibilities as to why only one side of your Thomas Payne Momentum RV Dual Reclining Sofa is acting up (or not acting up at all in your case). There are 3 components that allow the recliner to operate the lights, massage, and heater. These are the Cup Holder # 195-387597, Control Box # 195-387596, and the 12V Power Cord # 195-387595. To determine which of these components needs to be replaced simply try using parts from the side that is working. Start off by swapping...
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  • Troubleshooting A Thomas Payne Recliner that Won't Retract
    What you can first try, if you have not already, is unplugging and plugging back in the sofa. You'll want to make sure to wait at least 10 minutes before restoring power. It also wouldn't hurt to check the wiring as well, and make sure you're checking for pinched wires or any broken/frayed wires. It is possible that the cupholder has gone bad. Since the cupholders control the functionality on the chairs, you can try and unplug the cupholder and checking to see if it works. If not, you...
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  • Replacement Power Cord For Thomas Payne Recliners And Sofas
    The Replacement 12V Power Cord for Thomas Payne Momentum Recliners And Sofas # 195-387595, will work with the following Thomas Payne Momentum recliner or sofas: -195-000055, 195-000056, 195-000055-056, 195-055-056-058, and 195-055-056-057. If you have the Thomas Payne Seismic Series Recliners, you can use the Replacement Power Cord with Power Supply Box for Thomas Payne Seismic RV Power Reclining Sofas # 195-000111.
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  • Replacement Cupholder And Controller For Thomas Payne Momentum Recliner
    Your best bet will be to get the Replacement Cup Holder for Thomas Payne Momentum Recliners # 195-387597, since the plastic cover is not available separately. This will be a direct replacement for the cupholder with the heat, massage and LED buttons. Since the heat does not function, this is likely due to a bad controller. For a replacement controller you will need the Replacement Control Box # 195-387596, which will be a direct replacement for your momentum recliner.
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  • Thomas Payne Recliner Has Power But Does Not Work
    This sounds like a faulty control box, and unfortunately that is a pretty common issue with these recliners. To fix it, you'll just have to replace your control box with the Replacement Control Box for Thomas Payne Momentum Recliners and Sofas # 195-387596 if you have the Momentum series recliner, or the Replacement Power Control Box for Thomas Payne Seismic Recliners and Sofas # LC36FR if you have the Seismic series recliner. It also wouldn't hurt to do a hard reset before you replace...
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  • Replacement Control Box Options for the Thomas Payne Seismic & Momentum Series Recliners and Sofas
    We do carry a couple of replacement control boxes like the Replacement Power Control Box for Thomas Payne Seismic Recliners and Sofas # LC36FR which will work with the Seismic series recliner and sofas, and the Replacement Control Box for Thomas Payne Momentum Recliners and Sofas # 195-387596 which will work with Momentum series recliners and sofas. If you have one or the other series of recliners mentioned above, this replacement will work great for you. If you do not, then unfortunately...
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  • How To Tell If I Need To Replace The Cup Holder Or Control Box On A Thomas Payne Momentum Recliner
    From what you are describing, you have a short in one of two places. First is the cup holder # 195-387597 that has the controls for these functions and would explain the odd things it is now doing. However, it could also be the control box # 195-387596. The best way to find the culprit is to remove the cup holder from the side that is working properly and plug it into the side that is misbehaving. If this fixes everything, you will need to replace your cup holder with the # 195-387597....
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  • Troubleshooting Thomas Payne Momentum RV Dual Reclining Sofa that Won't Close
    What I recommend doing is swapping the Control Box # 195-387596 from the working side to the side that isn't working to see if that makes a difference. If it does then you'll want to get a replacement using the part above. If it doesn't fix the problem then I'm afraid you'll have to get a new recliner system as the Thomas Payne Momentum series is no longer available and they don't have a great amount of replacement parts left available.
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  • Is There a Fuse in the Replacement Control Box for Thomas Payne Momentum Recliners and Sofas
    The Replacement Control Box for Thomas Payne Momentum Recliners and Sofas part # 195-387596 does not contain a fuse. The small black plug is designed to plug directly in to the existing plug on the sofa or recliner and is a direct replacement for the Momentum series from Thomas Payne
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  • Troubleshooting A Thomas Payne Recliner That Has Lights That Don't Turn Off
    Since you mentioned you've already replaced your cupholder # 195-387597, and your power cord # 195-387595, I suggest you try to reset the chair if not preformed already. You'll want to unplug the unit from power, and let it set for about 10 minutes. Then plug the unit back into power, and check for functionality. If that doesn't fix it, then since you've already replaced your power unit and the cupholder, you'll more than likely need to replace the control box # 195-387596.
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  • Troubleshooting Thomas Payne Recline Power Issue
    Since your Thomas Payne Recliner has no power for any function, I recommend first plugging something into the outlet to make sure that it is properly running and is not the issue. I would then check the cup holder # 195-387597 and the wiring connection because that controls all the functions as a built in wired remote to the control box. Then I would check the connections to the control box # 195-387596. Finally I would check the 12V power cord # 195-387595. There are no external fuses...
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  • Heater on Thomas Payne Theater Seating Not Working
    There could be 2 different issues here, so I'll give you a way to test out the control box which will help us figure out what the issue might be. To test the heater unplug the red and black wires from the control box (located behind and under your recliner) and test using a multimeter like part # PTW1714. Using the continuity setting on the meter, check and see if there is continuity on the wires of the control box- if you have continuity then that means the control box is bad and you...
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  • Testing Heater for Thomas Payne Momentum Sofa
    When testing the control box you will not unplug it; you will use Multimeter # PTW1714 and unplug the red and black wires from the control box to test them for continuity. If you do have continuity the control box is simply bad and you can replace it with the Replacement Control Box for Thomas Payne Momentum Recliners and Sofas # 195-387596.
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  • Troubleshooting Thomas Payne Theater Seat Recliner Seat Heater Not Connected
    It sounds like you have the heating pad in your chairs and are missing the wiring harness that connects the seat heater to everything else. The Replacement Seat Heater Kit for Thomas Payne RV Furniture # 195-000113 connects to the two prong connection from the seat heater you described. It will also connect the heating pad to the remote control and the power supply to get the seat heater up and running.
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  • Troubleshooting Thomas Payne RV Couch Cupholder Buttons Flashing
    Sounds like possibly a loose connection to the cupholder wiring connectors of your Thomas Payne couch or the cupholder wiring is bad and would need to be replaced. For a replacement we have the part # 195-387597 which in the product pictures you can see how it connects to the couch's wiring. Also it could be a control box like the part # 195-387596 for if you have a Momentum. To test if it's a control box what you can do is swap the left side control box with the right side. If the problem...
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  • Troubleshooting Heater Function of Thomas Payne Power Recliner that Stopped Working on One Side
    We've checked with Thomas Payne about this issue in the past and they said that either the heater is bad or the control box needs to be replaced on your Thomas Payne Momentum recliner. To test the heater unplug the red and black wires from the control box (located behind and under your recliner) and test for continuity using a multimeter like part # PTW1714. If you have continuity then that means the control box is bad and you can replace it with part # 195-387596. If you don't have continuity...
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  • Recliner Feature Not Working On Thomas Payne Theater Seating But Lights and Heat Do
    The issue you are experiencing with your Thomas Payne Theater Seating could be either the control box or cup holder. In order to determine which is the issue you will simply need to swap out one side for the other and see if the problem continues on that side. If you have the momentum series then the part number of the control box is part # 195-387596 and the part number for the cup holder is part # 195-387597.
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  • Troubleshooting Thomas Payne Momentum Sofa That Wont Recline But Other Functions Work
    It sounds like you have a Thomas Payne Momentum RV Dual Reclining Sofa that one of the control boxes has gone bad on; in our experience, 90% of problems with the Thomas Payne Momentum RV Dual Reclining Sofa are associated with a faulty control box and there is an easy way to test this. If you swap the control box on the side that is working with the one on the side where the footrest and reclining function doesn't work and it then functions- you know the control box is bad. You can replace...
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  • Thomas Payne Theater Seating Automatically Reclines Back
    The issue you are experiencing with your Thomas Payne Theater Seating could be either the control box or cup holder. In order to determine which is the issue you will simply need to swap out one side for the other and see if the problem continues on that side. If you have the momentum series then the part number of the control box is part # 195-387596 and the part number for the cup holder is part # 195-387597.
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